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( Time skip dedicated to colby's emo phase )


Today was the day ... yes the day where i sam golbach have to talk to the colby brock and show him around the school. I stood at my locker waiting for the bell to ring but i let my mind wander i saw colby in the office this morning he wore braclets and rings, black skinny jeans, and a band tee his style wasn't my kind of style but it sure was hi- i stopped my thoughts as i heard someone yelling my name " Sam, Sam Golbach" i look down the hall to see my principal signaling me to come to him as he stands in the crowd of animals next t- i stopped everything breathing included because there he stood Colby Brock ..

I make my way down the hall getting grins and secrets spread about me but nothing new. I now stand in front of the two beaming red face trying not to vomit, i from the floor , to colby , to dunfer, then the floor again, this went on for what felt like an eternity
" Well what are you waiting for say something " my principle speaks up i look at her then colby again trying not to choke on my words " h-hi i'm s-sam and i'm going t-to be showing you a-around t-today"
i look up but nothing,.. not a word just a causal eye roll and sigh,
typical douche bag.
" Well I best get going have a nice time and welcome to ( whatever i named the school ) colby " i move over his shoulder to see his schedule
" looks like w-we've got m-math together " i could tell he couldn't care less but i had to tell him where to go but before i could the sound of my body echoed through the halls but why ?


I felt my body being slammed against the lockers by colby ?
" c-colby what are you d-doi- before finishing he cut me off " look i don't know who the hell you are or why you're trying to play nice but cut the shit i don't want you near me or breathing the same air as me got it "
i shook my head frantically as he loosened his grip on my sweater  ( yes he's wearing a sweater they look cute on him don't come for me ) he gave me a grin before walking down the hall what just happened ?


Thoughts upon thoughts raced through my head, tears upon tears  streamed down my face he had just hit me.. what did i do wrong ? i was just trying to help .. is it my fault my tears were now pure anger thinking of what had just occurred, i hit the lockers out of rage but that was the least of my worries because even though i knew what i was going to do next i was showing to regret i had to find him .

Lol sorry this book is still trash :)
wc; 507⚡️🌪

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