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i had just hit sam.. but why did i care ?
he watched as sam brought his hand up to face holding where he had just been hit by the boy boy who suddenly gave a damn ? all he could manage to say was a choked up "i'm sorry " as he ran to door flinging it open and dashing to the end of the hall, leaving sam against the stalls soon to be bruised, bloody and most of all confused what had he done wrong, so wrong that he hit him he only knew the kid for about 1 hour and they already had trouble ? good job brock good job..

sam pov

i sat there my head spinning, my jaw aching, every thought ever thought floating around in this thing we call a brain thinking no more i got up grabbing a paper towel and cleaning the blood droplets on my shirt and face then proceeding the go to the door all i needed was to stay calm and wait till i get home to cry and complain to a bear that my mother gave me for valentine's day cause no one will ever love me ( lol hashtag relatable ) just wait ..

3rd person-ish

he waited and waited for something someone to come down from the angels above and just make him invisible so he could just go home and cry but nothing like that came and he knew it wasn't going too so he decided to do it for himself he grabbed the handle and pulled back the heavy wooden door the smell of teenagers, smoke and alcohol filling his senses as he breaths in and enters the halls, fixing it strange there're empty but he spoke too soon , the sounds of the bells blared through the school as every kid rushed to get their bags and go home ( yeah i know they just got to school but i have like no ideas for writing so 🤟🏼 )

sams pov

i stepped into a crowd putting my hood up trying to stay invisible yeah well guess how well that went i had him unrecognized until the sound the sound of high heels clicking and a purse shaking filled the halls did i mention she's was screaming my name ? oh well yeah she was and i knew exactly who the high heel clicks belonged too... Katrina

oh i'm still trash and i'm posting this at almost 4:30 in the morning :)

wc; 424⚡️🌪

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