Drinking Game

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The Slytherin's making a drinking game where they take a shot every time Draco Malfoy talks about Harry Potter.

Madam Pomfrey banning the drinking game the very next day, after 90% of Slytherin house is admitted to the hospital wing with alcohol poisoning.

she drags Albus Dumbledore down to the hospital wing to show him the damage. Slytherin classes have been cancelled for the day as nearly everyone here iss too drunk to function. Most are silent but a few will occasionally look off into the distance with a sneer and under their breaths in the most disdainful and haughty voice they can manage will mutter POTTER, causing a fit of giggles to ripple through the room. Dumbledore agrees to ban the game and makes the announcement at dinner that evening. The only Slytherin in the Great Hall at hat time is of course Malfoy who turns red and immediately mutters that obviously this is Potter's fault. Snape takes a shot.

Harry Potter.   

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