Remus J. Lupin Biography

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Imagine a werewolf activist deciding that a biography really needs to be written about Remus Lupin, a tale of his lycanthropy and his contribution to the war and his life overall.

Imagine this person interviewing everyone who ever interacted with Remus, including all his teachers and the students he taught and compiling a massive volume on his life.

Imagine it becoming a bestseller for a couple of years before disappearing off the shelves, before teddy is old enough to read.

Imagine Harry sending him a parcel halfway through his first year with a note that just says "when I was your age, I had a lot of questions about my parents. I'm always happy to answer any you might have. But in the meantime, I thought you might enjoy this."

And it's not the copy of the book, because Teddy had already found that in the library and read it cover to cover (when he was in diagon alley next he was going to order his own). Instead it's a copy of every note the author had, transcripts of every interview. All the little things that wouldn't make for much of the book, but that had Teddy sitting up at 1am, reading under the covers and crying, because all these anecdotes make him almost feel like he actually knows his father.

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