0.5 My Name is Estaban Julio Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramirez

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Despite it being a Saturday night, the time most teenagers spend hanging out with friends, Lily was hiding behind a crate on the docks in Star City. She was getting bored, for the past fifteen minutes they'd been standing there watching Brick unload stuff out of crates.

Who chooses to go by "Brick"? That's a terrible code name.

Roy stood on a crate above, watching the same scene they were. She was pretty sure he wasn't aware they were there as well. If he was Roy would've told us to leave already. Lily watched as he shot an arrow at the group of men. The second it touched the ground it exploded; the power of the blast sent most of the men falling.

"You again? I'm starting to get insulted Green Arrow isn't messing up my operations personally," Brick said, sounding pissed off. He pulled out a gun and shot it at Roy, obviously missing. Roy shot an arrow directly at Brick's chest, blowing up his shirt, but not even putting a scratch on Brick.

"Do you know what I pay for a suit my size? Scorch the earth boys," he instructed his men, who in response all lifted their guns.

Before any of them could do anything, Kid Flash sped in and knocked two of them down. Robin ran over and threw a birdarang at one of the men. Shadow turned around the corner of the crate and fired an arrow at the ground before one of Brick's men. It exploded and sent the man flying a few feet away and landing hard on the ground causing him to groan.

Then, Brick did something that made Lily think he may need anger management, and ripped out a chunk of the ground and threw it at Roy. Fortunately for both of them, it missed. Lily did not feel like having that conversation with her uncle. He threw another piece at him but Speedy moved out of the way and Aqualad sliced the piece in half.

"The cave is perfect; it has everything the team will need," Robin said, bringing up the true reason the group was there. They wanted to convince Roy to join the Team, but Lily had her doubts about it. Of course, when she brought those up before they came here, no one wanted to listen. Boys.

"And wait until you meet Superboy and Miss Martian," Kid Flash beat up a couple of men before joining. "But I saw her first!"

Shadow's eyes rolled before she could stop herself. To her, it was very obvious that Miss Martian was not into Wally, but he was oblivious to that fact and Lily was too nice of a friend to destroy his hope.

Bringing their attention back to the fight that was happening, Brick threw another piece of ground at them, causing the group to scatter to avoid getting hit. "Tell Arrow he shouldn't send boys to a man's job."

Shadow scoffed, offended by his word choices. Sexist bas-

She grabbed an arrow and aimed it at his chest. "Well, it's a good thing he sent a girl then." Brick's face turned into a cocky smirk and he widened his arms, inviting her to do her worst.

"Go ahead."

The arrow was released and instead of hitting him with a harmless blast, a foam spilled out from the tip of the arrow and immediately hardened. It covered Brick and completely trapped him.

"High-density polyurethane foam. Nice," Wally complimented her. She smiled and looked over at Roy.

"I learn from the best."

When she first came to live with Oliver, she and Roy didn't exactly get along. She blamed it on the age difference. But one day Oliver had to leave and Roy was in charge of training her. He taught her how to use those arrows properly and it was the first time they got along. The first time she actually considered him her family.

"So Speedy, you in?" Robin asked. They stood there waiting for an answer, hope growing each millisecond it took for him to answer.

"Pass." And just like that, their hope was crushed. Lily didn't want to admit how much it hurt that he didn't want to be a part of what they've been working towards for months. "I'm done letting Arrow and the League tell me what to do. I don't need a babysitter or a clubhouse hang out with the other kids. Your Junior Justice League is a joke. Something to keep you busy and in your place. I don't want any part of it."

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