Turn It Off

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Warnings: Fluff / Smut


"Are you mad?"

"No," I replied, continuing to reply to my snaps.

See, Jonah and I were texting a little while ago while he was at home with the rest of the WDW boys. I was ranting about how my teacher was being an absolute brat about my handwriting not being neat enough on our most recent exam. Like, come on, I'm a senior, give me a break. But after my entire essay-length rant, he replied with "k". And that was not "k" with me. One doesn't reply to paragraphs with "k". To say I was pissed was an understatement. Eventually, when I stopped answering my phone, he came over. I gave him a copy of my home key a while ago, seeing that my parents were rarely ever around.

That incident resulted in our current predicament.

I was giving him my version of a silent treatment: short responses, no emotion.

"Then why aren't you paying attention to me?" Jonah continued to whine. I merely rolled my eyes.

"I am," I deadpan. I looked up momentarily to see him pouting at me. Let me just say, it's so freaking hard to resist those puppy dog eyes. I rolled my eyes and looked back down at my phone.

"But you're looking at your phone," he complained. "Let's do something." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him get up and plop himself in my lap.

"Sure." As if.

"Turn it off." He whispered in my ears. That not only sent chills down my spine, but also manage to make me jump a foot in the air. When the hell did he get there? He's like 6' 1"! It's not like he's an easy person to miss. "Keep your eyes on me."

"Jonah, stop."

"Turn it off." He whispered again, his hand slowly moving up your leg which sent tinges all throughout your body. "They don't got to know your current location."


"Turn it off." He kissed the base of my ear, the part where I was most sensitive. "Keep your eyes on me." Grabbing my phone from my hands, he placed in on the glass coffee table. I still refused to look at him, so he took matters into his own hands. He placed his finger and thumb on my chin, forcing me to look into his warm brown eyes. "I'm going to give you all the likes you need." He peppered my face with kisses, teasing as he kissed the corners of my mouth.

"Tonight, we're going private, nobody else allowed." Running my hands through his hair, I allowed them to get tangled in his smooth brown hair. His lips met mine hungrily. Our tongues fought for dominance. Eventually he won, freely exploring my mouth, softly caressing my tongue with his. He moved from my mouth back down to my neck, lightly biting and sucking. There would probably be marks later, but I didn't care.

I gasped as he found my sweet spot at the base of my neck, biting down on my lip to prevent a moan from escaping. I could feel Jonah smirking into my neck.

"Jonah, stop. Don't tease."

"Mm? What did you say?" He looked up me through his long eyelashes, voice deep and husky. "What do you want?"

"God, I love you." I laughed.

"Does that mean no more silent treatment?" He asked hopefully, propping himself up on his elbows, face in his hands.

"Yes, baby. No more silent treatment."

"Oh thank the lord." He sighed, falling back onto me. I let out a groan as he came down suddenly. "That treatment is hell. I would prefer a different treatment. One without clothes."


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