y/n the matchmaker part 2

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Y/n: so everyone knows the plan right.

The boys: Yes

Y/n: alright let's get started.

Y/n has cleared the chat

Y/n has invited dillon

Y/n: Hey Dillon 😘

Dillon: uhhh hi

Y/n: what are you doing? 😍

Dillon: working on my fury. Why?

Y/n: I just wanted to see if you would like to go out with me today? 😉

Dillon: you mean like on a date?

Y/n: yeah 😉

Dillon: I'm sorry y/n I don't like you in that way.

Y/n: who do you like then?

Dillon: w...what makes you think that I...I like someone?

Y/n: you said you don't like me in that way so you have to like someone

Dillon: Fine. I..it's uh summer.
I like summer.

Y/n: I KNEW IT. What are you gonna do about it ?

Dillon: I don't know. I don't even know if she likes me back.

Y/n: of course she likes you back you idiot. She blushes every time you talk to her and when you two think you are alone it starts getting awkward because of all the tension.

Dillon: What do mean when we think we are alone?

Y/n: you two never seem to notice when someone else is in the room.

Dillon: not true.

Scott: it is true.

Flynn: too much awkwardness.

Ziggy: I get really uncomfortable when I am around you and summer.


Dillon: ok...Ok I get it. How do I tell her though?

Scott: Tell her up front. Be like 'hey summer I like you. Want to go out with me?'

Flynn: No do not do that. Cook her a romantic meal and ask her during dessert.

Ziggy: buy loads of flowers and a necklace that has yours and her name on it. Ask if you can talk privately and then ask her to go on a date with you. Then spill you feelings over dinner.

Y/n: WOW ok. Umm. Those were all great ideas apart from Scott's. But you do not need to tell summer anything.

The boys: Why not?

Y/n: she read the conversation over my shoulder. Dillon she says yes she would love to go out with you. And you boys better throw me a good funeral. I don't think it matters if I run as summer will find me eventually. But it is worth a shot. TRY AND CALM SUMMER DOWN SHE IS GOING TO KILL ME FOR WHAT I HAVE SAID!

y/n has been disconnected

Summer has logged on

Summer: If you hear any screaming do NOT come running. And Dillon pick me up at 7.

Summer has logged off to kill y/n

Scott: we need all the rangers to stop venjix. We need to save y/n.

Ziggy: I don't want to get inbetween a fight between y/n and summer.

Ziggy has logged off

Dillon: I need to get ready for my date.

Dillon has logged off

Flynn: i'll help you Scott.

Flynn has logged off

Scott has logged off

Dr K has logged on

Dr k: Why is summer hitting y/n with a pillow?

Reads previous conversation

Dr K: oh I see.

Dr K has logged off

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