who did It?

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Scott has created a chatroom

Scott has invited everyone

Scott: Alright who did It?

Summer: What do you mean?

Dillon: What are you talking about?

Scott: One of the girls blew up the fridge and the oven.

Flynn: Maybe it was a venjix robot the attacked the base and the girls destroyed the place trying to destroy the robot.

Ziggy: The girls would have phoned us if there was a venjix robot.

Y/n: Wait a minute you are accusing US for destroying the oven and fridge?!

Dillon: Well no one else was here apart from you two

Y/n: We were watching movies in my room the whole day

Scott: Then who did it?

Summer: NOT US!

Flynn: Lets just go get a new fridge and oven and forget this happened. Alright?

Dillon: Fine

Scott: Lets go

Ziggy: I know a place that sells really good ovens

The boys logged off to go shopping

Summer: that was a close call

Y/n: IKR I am so happy that they dropped it

Summer: How did you manage to blow up the fridge?

Y/n: idk. How did you manage to blow up the oven?

Summer: idk. Wait a minute?

Y/n: The boys can still get notifications about the chat can't they?

Summer: They logged of but they did not remove themselves from the chat.

The boys have logged on

Summer:.......Y/n want to go to New York now?

Y/n: I've already packed. RUN!

The girls have logged off

Dillon: Well... that was interesting

Scott: They just ran passed us

Flynn: shouldn't we go after them?

Ziggy: I think we should

Dillon: No it's ok. They won't get far 'cause they're to lazy to walk or run anywhere

Scott: They will be back in an hour. Let's just install the fridge and the oven.

Somewhere off the chat

Summer: I can't run anymore

Y/n: we don't have to run we are already on the plane

Summer: Oh yeah

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