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Jimin p.o.v

Today I feel like I'm not in the good shape to teach jungkook.I don't know why but I'm really not in the mood for that.It not something jungkook was doing something wrong or something bad but it just me who suddenly feel uneasy about something.

What could I do to ease these feeling away?It's not good if I keep these way all day.Jungkook might be sad or overthinking about his wrong he did to me.ahh Park Jimin back to your sense,don't ruin the one you loved the most also spoil causes of you.

So I thought I wanna take jungkook have some walk today.Since we never have a walk after our wedding ceremony back then,It's almost 1 month I guess.During these a month,a lot of things happen to us.

It's not the bad thing but it's the most memorable thing for both of us to being remember and talking in future I guess.How can I tell the feeling I was develop during these 1 month,it something really can't describe by words.

jungkook p.o.v

I wonder if there have any way to me want to learn how to kiss wouldn't through jimin?It's not that I hated it when he teach me but I just being unpatient to able to kiss or to react into his kiss.Maybe I should take a look into youtube or asking the other about that.

Now it sound like I'm really the pervert one right?well it's not that I'm being pervert or what but day by day when I learn from him,I feel like I wanna mad at myself causes being don't able to do that by my own.

I know he also being sick with me causes can't kiss even on my ages almost being adult soon.He surely have more experience than me since he older than me.Huh how pitiful am I,I guess.When think about that's it really make me sick too.

seem like today weather seem so fine,It must be fun If I able to walk with him in these such a beautiful day.I started being silly again,do you think he really have a time for the kid who doesn't have sex appeal like you Jeon JUNGKOOK?

end p.o.v

Meanwhile jungkook was spacing out through the window,suddenly his door was knocking by jimin"jungkook..".So jungkook lazyly go for it but when he open the door,his eyes become widened even his eyes already wide when looking to the handsome jimin waiting for him.

Then jimin asking him for walk with him"feel free to walk with me?".Suddenly jungkook was blink his eyes blankly.So jimin just wrapped jungkook's hand and take him with him since he clearly jungkook's clothes already like someone ready to go out.

In their way,jungkook just keep silent causes jimin was dragged him by wrapped his hand since they at their house until now jimin still don't let go of  jungkook's hand."these..what I wishes from before.."say inner jungkook while bowing causes he too embrassed to look at jimin closely.

Suddenly,something was happen on the street,so jimin was stopped all of sudden.In that case,jungkook also was bumped to jimin's shoulder since he don't even look straightly.Then jimin took a glance into the shy jungkook behind him.

Whenever they was passing that way,jimin gently pulling jungkook's arm and make  the way for jungkook to walk beside him but jungkook still don't intend to looked at front either to jimin.So jimin take him to have a sit somewhere.

After jungkook feel like jimin was looking at the other side,slowly he turned to look at jimin's face.Then jimin take a look into him"it's took too long for you to looking at me..are you really hate me that much?"asked jimin but jungkook just reply him without looking at him"it's not like that..".

Slowly jimin soothed more closer to jungkook side."then it like what?"asked jimin more.Suddenly jungkook cheecks turned redness when jimin asked him that close.Earlier jungkook attempt to answer  jimin but he just can't.

Unexpected,jungkook was turned to jimin and staring at him for awhile and as soon as he hugged jimin and lean his head on jimin's chest"it cold here.."mumble jungkook cutely then burried his face on jimin's muscular chest.

Then jimin laid his  hand on jungkook's waist pulled more closer to him and one of his left hand was placing on jungkook's head and started stroking it sweetly."so that's your answer..I get it"say inner jimin's while he was smile fondly stare into his wife.

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