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Before I start panicking, I remember the strange conversation I had with that voice in my dream...


Lily Zen will you go to another world and help advance the culinary arts over there... I implore you to accept...

Will I be able to eat and cook there?


Then I agree but I need info, my stuff and a possible cheat ability.

That can be arranged just say or think,"Status" and you'll get what you want.


As I sit blankly in the field, I say the word,"Status".

Then a game screen appeared...

Name: Lily Zen
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Occupation: Chef
Title(s): The Lady Chef, Transporter of Another World, The God's New Entertainment
Skills: Appraisal Lv1, Cooking LvMax, Baking LvMax, etc.
Abilities: Universal Language, God's Blessing, Interdimensional Shopping Mart
Item Box ♾: Helper Companion-Guide from God, Building Maker-Restaurant edition, magical cooking set, ultimate seasoning set, etc.

After seeing all that, I just wanted the Helper Companion-Guide from God, right now.  Just when I was thinking about it, something appeared...

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