warning signs

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A cool Sunday afternoon I lay in my bed as I have finished up all of my school work, now I just sit in silence as my eyes burn into the blank wall in front of me. Picking up my phone I check the time. It is only 7:26pm. I think about my best friend Jenna, I want to see what she is up to. "Hey Jenna how are you? You haven't talked to me in a few days.. anything new?" I send the message. Gently I toss my phone across the bed and watch it bounce once then fall flat on it's back. I am rather concerned about Jenna, I can't pin point it but something seems to be wrong with her lately because she won't answer my calls or talk to me she is so.. quiet.. normally she is bouncy and full of energy.  I guess tomorrow when we go back to school from spring break I can figure it out.   Before bed I check my phone for a response one more time then close my eyes, I fall into the night.

This morning I am off to a late start but try not to overwhelm myself too much as I scurry around and  grab my bag. I get to school a bit later and see the back of Jenna's bright blond pony tail, I run through the crowded hallway. " Jenna! Jenna! It's Tyler, wait up!" She shot a quick glance at me then turned and put her head down again walking away. She seems so mopey and just not herself.. now I really am concerned but I know I have a better chance at trying  to talk to her at lunch. Until lunch I could barely focus on any of my classes. I zoned out several times and got yelled at but I get so worried about things, especially my friends and those I care about. Finally at 12:30 pm the lunch bell rang and I sprinted out of the gym. I didn't even think to grab my lunch bag as I busted through the doors of the cafeteria. My eyes scanned the room for Jenna but she wasn't in sight so I keep looking until I see her just sitting in the back of the room hiding by the trash can. Whatever was wrong with her she couldn't hide from me now, I know something is definitely wrong. Slowly I walk up to her with a concerned look on my face, as I approached her I can see Jenna's eyes are red as if she has been crying a lot and I can see the puffy discoloration under her eyes., She looks like a zombie. I scoot up  a chair sitting by her then wrap my arm around Jenna. "Hey Jenna, what is wrong? It's okay. I'm here.. you can tell me what's wrong if you want to." I say in a gentle soft tone then a faint smile spreads across my face as I look at her. Jenna looks up at me with fear in her eyes then starts to stutter

"T..Tyl..l..er.. I'm ..s..sorry.."

I feel for you but when did you believe you where alone?

Friend, PleaseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ