Fluttering heart beats

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I feel my cold clammy hands turn warm and moist, I feel my face light on fire, I feel my heart start beating faster and faster as I look into Jenna's eyes. She looks into my eyes with her bright blue oceanic eyes that just tell the most beautiful story but her eyes scream ' help me' I reach out to her and squeeze my arms around her as tight as I could. "Your with me, your safe okay Jenna? " She looks up at me with those beautiful eyes I just can't get over.. she nods in approval. I rub one hand on her back as I think of what else to say next. "You want to get out of here Jenna?" I figure maybe she might want to go somewhere else to calm down and just talk to me.  " That would be cool" She mumbles softly. I grab her hand and help her up then we both exit the school through the back door in the cafeteria. We hold hands and walk further away from the school towards our local library but we decide to just walk around town. We both are quit for quite a while but we are enjoying  just being in each others presence. I decide I want to break the silence, I take a deep breath then blurt out " So Jenna, now what is going on?  What is upsetting you? " She just looks at me then stops walking. 

"Tyler.. I can't do this.. I can't take it"  as soon as she said those words which were filled with pain and agony  I felt a deep pit in my stomach. "Jenna.. what do you mean? What are you saying?" I say in a deeper more concerned tone. 

" Life Tyler... I can't do this anymore.. I'm sorry"  I couldn't feel anything except shock and fear but I want going to show Jenna this, I just have to comfort her right now. I can worry later. I think very carefully what to say before I open my mouth because words are a powerful weapon that can either be good or bad. A few moments later I speak. 

"Oh.. Jenna, You know I will always love you. You are my best friend and absolutely no one can replace you, I need you Jenna. You are the only you that ever has and ever will exist you are a blessing. Please Jenna .. don't take that blessing away from me." I feel my lips quiver and my voice crack as I finish my sentence then I look over at Jenna. She looks so broken and empty.  

"Tyler.. I love you too. I .. I don't mean to upset you.. maybe I should go. I'm sorry.."  She sounds as if she has made a certain decision and is already regretting it. 

" Jenna please, I beg you. Spend the evening with me? I want to be there for you and try to help."  I look at her and raise my eyebrows then look up at the grey clouds. I can't lose that beautiful girl, I love her.. she is the light of my life. 

Petrified of who you are and who you have become.. you will hide from everyone denying you need someone to exterminate your bones..

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