Drowned by demons

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(Jenna's P.O.V) I slowly walk uphill closer to the edge.. the drop is high and the current is steady. I stand there for a moment in a trance,  thoughts burst through the gates of my mind and slowly begin to drown me.. I sit down on the ledge then begin to shake, I begin to realize as I'm suffocating in my head how I can't do this, I can't keep living like this. I just can't..

My phone began to vibrate in my back pocket.

Oh no, Tyler..

"Hey Jenna!  You weren't at school today and I haven't heard from you all day, I walked to your house and you weren't there.. Just wanted to see if your alright. Please text me back asap. Love you Jen:) "

I unlock my phone and look at my other messages and notifications .. Oh gosh, several from my parents.

" Jenna what the hell? Why did you skip school?! When You get your ass back here we are going to have a long discussion!"

Well great. I should have known I'd get busted for skipping.

I hold my finger down on the small button  to turn my phone off.. I feel bad for ignoring Tyler because he has such a pure soul and he is amazing.. he is the best guy I have ever met but I can't talk to him right now.. I can't talk to anyone right now .. I look at my phone and flip it over in my hand to observe my bright blue phone case one last time then gently toss the phone down into the stream. I won't need that anymore.. I then know what I definitely have to do. My decision is made. I keep walking on the edge along the stream.. as I keep walking the body of water gets bigger and bigger. I walk to the end of the trail, the huge body of water is just right in front of me. My escape is here .. I  have to muster up the courage to actually escape. I can't chicken out. It's too late now.. 

I sit down on the ground and stare down at the water then look up at the bright shinning moon. I see all the stars in the sky then close my eyes and remember ..

" Those stars represent my love for you. There is no way to measure how much I love you. You Jenna are the star of my life"

I begin to cry silent tears.. How can I do This? I have to at least write Tyler one last letter.. I pull a notebook out of my bag and a jet black pen. I chew on the end of the pen as I think of what to write in the letter. There really is no way to express how much Tyler means to me, he has always been there for me and expressed true love.. when I'm with him I actually feel I belong and I think he feels the same with me.. I will be taking that away from him. Maybe I'm just over thinking this. I'm still going to do it.

" Dear Tyler, I don't even know where to start. Ty... I'm so sorry I don't have any intentions to hurt you, I just can't do this anymore and I have to do what I'm about to do. You are the only person I am leaving a letter to, you have impacted my life so much and I want to say you.. Tyler R. Joseph are an amazing person. Everyone has a purpose and they come into others lives for a reason. You are  my angel. I love you.. please never forget me and I'll see you again someday. Goodbye my love.

Sincerely, Jenna"

It's done. I think I'm ready. 

Okay Jenna.. deep breaths. I slowly stand up look down and.. I jump just as if I'm walking on the air. 

As I fall I hear a familiar voice coming from the top of the ledge...


Friend, PleaseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora