Chapter One

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The two lie wrapped in one another's embrace, both breath deeply as the light begins to slip through the cracks in his curtains- curled up together in the cozy room of the house that he shares with his roommates.

His room wasn't like most his age- it was painted a light beige-brown from the tenants that lived there before, he'd decided to save the haste of painting, after all he'd only be there for two more years.

There were dim fairy lights wrapped around his bookshelf- god he loved that bookshelf, it was the one thing that was always changing in the best way.

His eggshell curtains had slipped halfway shut, his papers tucked away neatly in his desk, textbook and calculator perched atop- the only things besides his desk lamp and a picture of him and his family.

This room was not a room that belonged to a guy who would do such things as what he'd done last night.

And that was mostly for one main reason.

He wasn't that guy- and he couldn't tell anyone what had gotten into him- he'd never drinker before- he'd never acted in such a way.

He hated those types of people- the type that get someone going only for one to find out that they never really even meant anything more than that one night.

But there he lies, arms wrapped tightly around the girl in his arm, her soft golden brown locks flowing over her waist and shoulders- pieces even knitted an mused together on the light brown of his pillow case.

It's not long before his sea blue eyes- he was the only thing that didn't seem to blend into the beige-brown of his room- had peaked open, taking a moment or so to focus before he'd finally registered despite the fog of his brain that there was a being wrapped in his arms- a living breathing creature.

He tries to draw any memories from his blank mind- what had happened- who has he become.

He gently moves her caramelised golden coloured hair- seemingly matted to her from her face and eyes only to come upon the realisation— he'd known this girl quite well.

That is— if you count walking her home a few times with his umbrella and borrowing a pen once or twice knowing her well.

Oh and there was that other thing... that tiny insignificant detail that he'd had a blossoming vibrant ever-growing crush on the girl he was wrapped around.

And at once he snaps back, shoving on his boxers before he starts pacing quietly.

The creaking of the age old floorboard cause the brunette-blonde mix of a girl to peak open her green eyes.

Those stupidly beautiful foliate green eyes that made him fall for her in the first place- encapsulating and enchanting for lack of better word to describe them.

And like most times- the second he meets those iris's of hers, he's a stuttering mess.

She glances around, and he watches her cheeks flushed before she lets out a deep breath and a shake of her head.

"I am so sorry," He blurts quietly, voice timid and shy, "I don't normally- or at all—"

But he notices the way she's clutching his sheets around her chest and he covers his eyes, immediately turning the opposite direction, stumbling blindly to his closet, grabbing a shirt before stumbling towards the bed and holding it out to her.

"Thank you," She says, but it comes out as an embarrassed whisper.

She slips the shirt over her, tugging out her golden locks from underneath.

"You can look."

He uncovers his eyes and she can see the crimson tint in his ears and crawling up his neck, a sheepish smile on his pink lips.

She untucks her long hair and she sits down besides her, whispering, "I am so sorry."

"Oh my god," She says quietly, "You didn't have a girlf—"

He shakes his head sharply, "No, no- I wouldn't have if- no."

"Why are you apologising then?"

He shakes sends her a gentle smile, "This is very out of character for me- and I wouldn't want you to think I just, did it because I have the power. This is all coming out wrong..." He murmurs, tugging his fingers through his golden locks, "I- I would never want you to think that I toss people aside like that- that's not who I am- I'm sorry you happened to be my first and last time I've ever done anything like this- I'm sorry that you had to go through that."

She shakes her head softly, "I'm- uh, would you like to get breakfast? So it doesn't have to be one of those times?"

He blinks, surprised before sending her a light smile, "I'm Tr—"

"Trevor, I know, you walk me home when it's raining. I'm St—"

"Stella, I borrow a pen from you a few times a month."

They laugh softly before he shakes his head, "Um- I'll go ask my roommate if you can borrow some of her clothes- I'll be right back, there's a shower through that door and toothbrushes in the right drawer of the sink."

"Thank you," She says softly.

He nods, watching her disappear behind the door of the bathroom before he covers his face softly.

That was Stella Jacobs.

He'd just had a one night stand with Stella Jacobs.

And the worst part?

He didn't remember any of it.

And that's not how he'd dreamt their first date to go.

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