20 - fuck buddies

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song mood for this chapter-
best part - daniel caesar, h.e.r

jack's pov

after we've said our goodbyes to the others, i drive us back to the apartment. i quietly hum to the music softly playing through the speakers. i notice mia being awfully quiet and i feel tension in the air so i decide to question it.

"why are you mad?" i ask.

she turns her head next to me.

"i'm- i'm not." she purses her lips. "why would you say that?"

"because," i look straight ahead as i drive, "your body's facing towards the window and you're looking out of it like you're having vietnam war flashbacks."

she huffs, "i'm not mad."

"okaaay..." i sing song.

she stays quiet for about 20 seconds before she explodes. "fine! i'm just a little frustrated." she cross my arms.

"ah, there it is." i say. "why, baby?" i place my hand on her thigh. she doesn't react the way she usually does and i immediately look over at her.

"what wrong, mia?" i say more sternly.

"it's just, jamie and sam were being disgustingly cute today and it made me think of us and how you kept bringing up sex when we were all together and- i don't wanna just be your fuck buddy jack!"

"you're not my fuck buddy, mia." i frown.

"i don't want to just mess around and have fun. i wanna go on cute little dates with you, real dates! and kiss and hug you in public whenever i fucking feel like it! i wanna do cheesy stuff with you even if it's ugly as hell. if you don't feel the same then i don't think i can do this."

i quietly chuckle at her cute little confession and she scoffs.

"why are you laughing?" she folds her arms. "it's not funny you bitch."

i laugh even harder and grab her hand to kiss the back of it.

i make a u-turn and drive towards an overlook of california that i know is only 5 minutes away.

"jack... why are you being suspicious?" she looks over at me.

"let me show you something." i smile to myself.

she stays silent and goes along with it. although i can't see, i can feel her smiling next to me as well.

once we arrive, i lead her up the small hill.

"why are you running!" she yells as we run up the concrete stairs.

we both reach the the overlook and i climb on top of a huge rock.

"you trust me?" i reach my hand out to her.

she grasps it, "do i really have a choice, jack?"

"hm... nope." i say before i swiftly pull her up with me.

i fall back on my ass and she squeals, crashing on top of me.

she lifts her head up from my stomach, allowing me to see all of the city lights twinkle in her eyes.

"holy shit." mia gasps at the view. "it's gorgeous!"

"it sure is." i mutter as i look at her.

"so, how many girls have you brought up here?" she blurts and i snort.

"way to ruin the moment, doll." i roll my eyes. "and just you." i say, honestly.

"cap." she says.

"i'm not capping! okay, i brought sammy up here before to smoke but you said girl so technically, i wasn't lying."

i see her dimple deepen and she peeks over at me.

"why are you looking at me like that?" i chuckle.

she bites her lip, "you're fucking cute, jack gilinsky."

i cup her jaw and connect the small space between our lips.

she places her hands on my neck but we get interrupted as my phone vibrates in my pocket. i groan.

"excuse me." i say as i pull out my phone and she snickers.

hi jacky!
it's mommy.
just making sure you booked your flight for thanksgiving?

"oh shit. it's my mom. i have to fly back to omaha for thanksgiving." i look back up to mia.

"oh! i think i'm just staying here." she says.

"you're not going back to san diego with your parents?"

mia looks away and clears her throat.

"i don't really speak to my parents." she says barely audible. "but it's okay, i'll just do something with tyler."

my eyes soften. i had no idea. i can tell i hit a nerve, and by the looks of it, i can tell she doesn't want to talk about it.

"then— come with me!" i propose, "there's no way i'm letting you stay here by yourself on thanksgiving."

"what? no no no. i don't want to intrude." she shakes her head.

"you wouldn't be. besides my moms dying to meet you."

"you told your mom about me?" she smirks.


"no. maybe." i scratch the back of my neck. "just come. please? it'll be fun. my mom makes killer apple pies and i need someone to entertain me on the plane."

"... fine! since you want me to so bad." she jokes.

"you're so annoying." i laugh. she wraps her hand around my neck to kiss me and i kiss her back.

"i'm excited now." i say and she gives me a big smile.

"me too. wanna go home and be fuck buddies?" she jumps off the rock.

"yep." i follow her.

first date: check.

thank you for commenting, i read every single one and they make me happy haha

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