My Pretty Weeper

94 5 3

Word Count: 2681

Eren POV:

By the time we arrive at home, both Levi and I have settled down for the most part. Now, I mostly just feel bad for him. Right now, he looks ticked off, which, I don't blame him. He has every right to be mad. Heck, if I was in his shoes, I'd be furious.

But, at the same time, he hasn't said anything this whole time. It's like this has happened to him before, which I really hope is not the case. He'd just been staring out the window the whole car ride, not saying a word, just looking off into the distance. I want to ask how he's holding up, but I'm scared that now would be far too soon to even mention it.

I park in the empty lot behind the apartment complex, glancing at the mini-digital clock embedded into the dashboard.


I turn off the car and open the car door, stepping out. It's not until I close the door that Levi is still trapped in that sort of numb, dazed phase; He still hasn't even taken off his seat belt and is still staring blankly outside the car window. I let out a sigh and walk to the passenger side of the car, opening the door for him.

"Levi, come on. We're home" I say as soothingly as possible.

I tap his shoulder, but get no response. He's just sitting there, staring at absolutely nothing. I come to the conclusion that he's not gonna get out on his own. I reach over and unbuckle his seatbelt. I straighten back up and put my hand on top of his for a few seconds, checking to see if he'll allow me to come into contact with him. He doesn't flinch or pull away, so I take that as my 'go-ahead' and hold his hand gently.

"Let's go home, Levi," I say, my voice the softest I've heard it in quite a while.

He obeys and starts getting up, squeezing my hand momentarily. He now looks me in the eyes, seemingly out of whatever trance he had been trapped in, face written with sorrow.

"Please say you'll stay with me tonight..." He manages to say. His voice is breaking and is almost inaudible. He speaks with so much pain in his words that I can feel my heart ripping to shreds.

Although his voice is full of sadness, I can feel my heart swell at the thought of spending eternity with him. The thought of waking up to him every morning. The thought of him. Being..... At peace...... With him...

I can't help but give the slightest of smirks. "Sure, Levi... I'll stay for as long as you need."

*time skip brought to you by my friend(that has rejected me multiple times and somehow my brain can't get the memo that I need to get over her already) who is next to me right now at the library and keeping me from making progress*

I wake up to a gentle shoving on my right arm and a deep, but a soft whispering voice.

"Eren, hey... Wake up."

I groan and roll over to my side. "Leave me alone. It's too early." I say, my voice groggy.

"I will roll you off the bed if I have to, Eren. Don't test me." He tried to say seriously but ended up more light-hearted sounding than anything.

I just groan even louder in response and hear Levi sigh.

"If that's how you're gonna be, then fine. You brought this on yourself."

And with that, he begins to roll me over, with almost no effort whatsoever. At this point, though, I'm not even trying to fight it. With just a few pushes, I suddenly fall off the bed with a thud.


"Um... OW!" I say in an irritated tone. I sit up, rubbing the back of my head, where I'm certain a bump will soon grow.

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