Chapter One: Sneaking Out

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I was laying in the open field staring at the clear night sky when a thought popped up in my mind.

I'm gonna be in a lot of trouble if I get caught.

I always snuck out at night when it was hot and tonight was a record breaker. I live in a small town in the middle of nowhere. My name is Blondie. Yeah, it's actually my real name. My mom and dad didn't want to give me a common name. They wanted me to be an original. Boy do I miss them. My mom, dad, and sister Bluebell were killed in a car crash three years ago. It's tough losing your parents at 12. They were my everything to me. Bluebell was my half sister and she didn't like me so much. She always thought I was a nuisance and that I was just a baby begging for attention. She was only 16 when she died. Imagine dying before your prom. Imagine never getting married, or never going out to see the world, or never going to your high school graduation, or not even being able to have kids. That's what really got me thinking... I need to live my life to the fullest. That's why everyone looks at me like I'm some trouble maker. I go out and have a good time because deep down I know that I have an expiration date and one day time is gonna run out. 

I look a lot like my mom. I have her pale skin, her hazel eyes, her blond hair (hense my name), and her rosy cheeks. But while I look like my mom, I act exactly like my dad. Always trying to make everyone happy. I am always having a good time and cracking jokes. I never take anything too seriously, well, except for my school work. I try my very best and I do pretty well. I have my A's with some occasional B's. 

After Mom, Dad, and Bluebell died, I moved to Ohio to live with my aunt. Aunt Genia is quite the character. She is a free going person that loves to have a good time. Auntie's the mother hen who will take anyone under her wing and care for them and  is the kindest person i know that only wants the best for me. She is my mom's sister but they didn't look anything alike. Aunt Genia has short curly brown hair with brown eyes and tan skin. She always has a cigarette in her hand and tells stories about all of her past boyfriends. We live in the Southside of town. We sure aren't the richest folks around, but we have enough to make it by. I sure wonder what it's like on the other side.

I always see the Richies with their shiny mustangs with their buttoned up shirts and fancy pants on. They always travel in gangs and try to jump kids from the Southside. We all have our own little packs too. I usually hang out with my friends Jack, Danny, Jimmy, Randy, Ricky, Lucy, and Mike. Lucy has been my best friend ever since I got here. Her mom died in a car crash too so we got a long right from the start. She has wavy red hair with blue eyes and doesn't take any crap from anyone. Once she told off our history teacher because he gave her a C- on an essay she spent all week on. Lucy got 2 weeks of detention in a row for that one. Aunt Genia sure loves when she comes over. They are like two peas in a pod. Lucy is quite the gossiper and she is Aunt Genia's go to girl for all things new.

Mike, Lucy's brother, is two years older than us. He has been like an older brother to me ever since Lucy introduced us. One time Randy Schmits called me a no good greaser, so Mike knocked the day lights out of him. He ended up having a black eye for a week! Mike has more muscles than a professional boxer. Well, I guess it's because he works in the back of Marty's General store where he moves all the heavy boxes around. He is the tall and the strong one out of all of us. He has always got a tight black shirt on which shows off every muscle he has and he lets his shaggy brown hair fall in his face.

Jimmy is Mike's best friend and he is a freshman like me and Lucy but he's been held back twice. He likes to say "they like me so much that all of my teachers want another year with me!" Of course he's lying though. All of Jimmy's teachers look down on him. I guess it was because he never takes school work seriously. Every day he comes to school with his light brown hair greased back and his classic black leather jacket on. His eyes are always twinkling with mischief and he's got a happy smile on his face.

Danny is the laid back one. We both love to read and write. Danny is the only one that I can really talk to. Me and Danny are very close friends. If I need anyone to talk to, he's my guy. He can be real tough and beat up a guy in a heartbeat but he is also kind and understanding. Danny is the one that keeps the gang together. He is the one that always gets us doing stuff and is always the first to say "hey lets catch a movie at the drive in" or "anyone wanna go swimming in Shepard's Lake?" He has long dark blond hair that he keeps greased back and sparkling dark blue eyes. He can make your bad day into a great day just by giving you a smile.

Danny lives with his older brother Ricky and his cousin Randy. Randy's folks left him at Danny's and Ricky's house when he was just a kid. That has always just ate away at him. His parents not wanting him and leaving him at his cousins house. That must be hard. That's why Randy is a tough guy. He doesn't really show his feelings. He has a heavy black leather jacket that he wears with his faded out jeans and white t-shirt. He probably puts half a container of grease in his hair everyday and keeps his thick, jet black hair greased back in complicated swirls. Ricky has the same dark blond hair as Danny, but he greases the sides of his hair and and lets the middle of his hair swirl down towards his face. Ricky has movie star looks and is always attracting attention. Ricky is a nice guy. Always wanting to be everyone's friend. He is one year older than Danny but I think that he is gonna be held back soon. He isn't the brightest when it comes to school.

Jack is the oldest. He is eighteen but dropped out of school when he was sixteen. Jack is the toughest out of all of us. He's been arrested so many times that I've lost track. He's been in the cooler for shoplifting, stealing, not paying his speeding tickets, and more. Jack is a tough guy. He may not be school smart, but he sure is street smart. Everyone knows the name Jack Winchester. He is usually the one that gets us all in trouble. Jack comes from a pretty bad home. His dad's a drunk and his mom ran out on him when he was a kid. Jack ran away from his home in Arizona and came here. He is now apart of the gang. He's got sandy blond hair that he keeps greased back and a heavy, dark brown leather jacket that he wears with his classic cowboy boots. He's always got a switchblade and pack of cigarettes at hand.

We all come from pretty messed up backgrounds, but we are always there for one another. We are like a family. We are all looked down on just because we are from the Southside. We are hoods, JD's, trouble makers. I've heard them all. But we are greasers and we're proud of it. We are a family. Being a greaser, you're always getting trouble from the Richies. The rich kids from the Northside. They just get everything they want. The truth is, they are worse than us! Constantly drinking, trashing places, speeding, jumping kids, but they never get in trouble. We always get the finger pointed at us. But that's how it goes. You sometimes get the short end of the stick. It ain't fair but you have to deal. It always drives me crazy.

The clouds started to clog up the sky and I rolled over on my stomach. I wonder what time it was... I should probably get home soon. I can't get caught sneaking out again. Last time Aunt Genia said if she caught me sneaking out again I'd have to go with her to her next book club meeting with all her friends. Trust me, it's hell. 

I got up on my feet and dusted off my skirt. 

"Boy I'm glad it's Friday. No school tomorrow," I whispered to myself.

"Hey Greaser!" a voice called from behind. "Whatchya doing all alone on a night like this?"

I turned around and it was a gang of Richies with bottles of liquor in their hands. A Richie would never actually hurt a girl, but these guys have been drinking. It can get ugly when they drink, who knows what could happen. There were five brawn, drunk Richies and one of me. 

"What the hell are you doing here! This is the Southside. This ain't your turf." I yelled. I was terrified but I wasn't going to show it. 

"Whoa whoa whoa, watch your mouth you filthy greaser. Boys, I think we should teach her a lesson!"


End of chapter one

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