Chapter Two: Trouble

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"Crap.." I whispered under my breath. There where five dangerous Richies and one of me. I'm a pretty good fighter but I don't stand a chance against five. They slowly started to close in on me so I ran like hell.

"Get her!" I heard one of the guys scream. 

I made my way out of the field and into the streets. Maybe I can lose them running through all the streets. I made countless twists and turns hoping to shake them off my tail, but these Richies must have been in football or something because they were fast! I was turning into alley after alley until I had no clue where I was. My heart was pounding and my legs were feeling numb. I couldn't go much farther. So I decided that if I couldn't out run them, I would need some help.

"Mikey!! Jack!! Jimmy!! Randy!! Danny!!" I screamed as loud as I could in hope one of them was around. One of the Richies tackled me to the ground, I was right, definitely in football. I got my breath knocked out of me and I laid there on the ground gasping for a breath. I was kicking and moving my arms around all over the place so they couldn't pin me down. It didn't work. 


"Shut her up!" yelled a Richie who was shoving a cloth in my mouth. Four Richies pinned me down while the fifth knelt down in front of me and pulled out a red switchblade. He flipped it open to reveal a shiny, sharp blade. He held it near my face so I could see it reflect the moonlight. I immediately went stiff and stopped struggling. My eyes were huge and my heart started banging inside my chest. He put it to my cheek and grinned.

"Now, wouldn't it be just a shame if my hand slipped and I accidentally ruined your pretty little face?" All the drunk Richies bursted out laughing. 

What have I gotten myself into this time?

My eyes started to fill with tears and I shut my eyes tight. I felt the cold blade leave my cheek and my arms and legs free.

"Shit, let's get outta here!"

I opened my eyes and saw bright head lights in one direction, and the drunk Richies running away in the other. I sat up and coughed up the old and dirty piece of cloth that was shoved in my mouth. I felt a cold hand on my face. I looked up to see Danny. His eyes were filled with worry and rage. 

"Come on Jack lets get em'" I hear a voice shout. I looked over to see Randy cracking his knuckles and picking up a busted soda bottle.

"Nah, they're probably long gone. Drove away in their fancy Mustang," Jack replied.

"You alright Blondie?" Danny said. I looked back over to him. He looked real scared but I didn't know why.

"Uh.. Uh.. Yeah, I'm okay." I hadn't realized that I was shaking all over. I turned my face away to hide my tears. I didn't want to look like a wimp. Danny grabbed my chin and turned it back towards him. My eyes were filled of tears and I couldn't help but let them run down my cheeks. He brushed them away and gave me a smile.

"It's alright now, we're here. They ain't gonna hurt ya no more." There it was. That smile that could make you feel better in a heart beat. I smiled at him and he kissed the top of my head. 

"Blondie, what the hell happened?!" Jack said as he sat down next to me. 

"I... Uh.. Well i snuck out into the field-"

"Don't ya ever use your head? Out at night alone? Come on Blondie, you sure are lucky that we were coming back from a movie and that Jack heard you!" Randy interrupted. Randy never really liked me. Well, he always had issues with getting along with people but for some reason anytime I'd screw something up, Randy made sure I wouldn't forget anytime soon.

"Randy, shut it and let her finish!" Danny snapped.

"Ya, ya i know I shouldn't have but I just can't sleep! It was real hot and I needed some fresh air so I thought I'd just go out to the field. How the hell was I suppose to know that some Richies would go there! It's in the middle of the Southside, I mean, what the hell were they doing here!"

"Man she's right," Danny said. "These Richies keep coming on our side of town and picking fights! I mean, it seems like all they ever do is get real drunk and pick a fight with anyone!"

"We gotta get even with these Richies man! Look what they did to Blondie!" Jack yelled as he pointed at my face. Danny and Randy both looked at me with worried looks. I touched the side of my face and it stung real bad. I looked down at my hand and saw blood. They must have cut me with the switchblade and I didn't even know it. 

"Oh Blondie," Danny said. "Dammit!!" He yelled as he stood up.

"This ain't fair! They act like they can do what ever the hell they want without getting in any trouble! It pisses me off! You know who gets the blame? Us! Ya we're the hoods, the bad kids, trouble makers, the JD's! Well I'm sick of it! We gotta get em' sometime and we gotta get em' good!"

"Look trust me, we are gonna get em', we are! But just not tonight. I dunno about you but I'm ready to fall asleep!" Jack said as he patted Danny on the back. 

Jack reached out his arm and helped me off the ground. I stood up and felt a little dizzy. He put his arm around me and lead me to the car.

"So I'm guessing you're gonna need a ride home?" I smiled at him and nodded. I got into Randy's rusty old truck and sat between Danny and Jack.

"Well how are you gonna explain this one to your Aunt?" Danny asked as he gestured to my cheek.

"Shoot, I haven't even thought about it! Uhhh, I'll just say I tripped in the shower." Randy gave out a little chuckle and said, "Good luck with that."

We drove up to my house and Danny said, "hey since tomorrow is Saturday let's all hang out. Catch a movie or hang around town."

"Sounds good to me." I said. Randy and Jack nodded in agreement. 

"Alright then, come over to my house anytime in the morning then. I'll ask the rest of the gang too."

"Sure thing!" I said as I got out of the car. "Thanks guys.. Without you.. Well.. I don't even wanna know how it would have turned out." I smiled and turned to walk to the door.

"Hey Blondie!" I heard Danny call. I turned around and he said, "make sure you get some ice for that pretty face of yours!" He gave me a smile and they were off. Danny always new how to make someone feel better. I quietly entered the house and snuck into my room. I looked in my mirror to see the cut. It was definitely gonna stay there for a while but it didn't look like it was gonna leave a scar. I went into my bathroom, got a small towel, soaked it in cold water, and pressed it against my face. It stung for a moment but soon got numb. I laid on my bed with the towel still pressed against my face and slowly drifted off to sleep.


End of chapter two!

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