The Stag and Doe

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With everything that has come up with JKR recently, I felt that I needed to use my tiny voice in the Harry Potter community to speak about her comments towards the trans community. These comments are not only ignorant but completely damaging and hurtful. Trans people are people period. I am sorry that any other opinions exist. I am sorry for the trans community, and especially trans people who are huge fans of the Harry Potter books. Resources:Trevor Project Suicide/Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386Info and FAQ on what Trans/Gender Identity means for some people: to being an ally: master list of Trans resources and organizations: your rights: and Lilly.

Lilly and James.

Evans and Potter.

Potter and Evans.

James nibbled on his quill as he sqrawled on a piece of parchment. It was during a particularly boring sixth year Divination class with Ms. Fallowing that he happened to not be paying attention. Normally, James would pay attention during this class to store up knowledge to make fun of later, but he wasn't in the spirit that day.

Lilly and James had gotten in a fight again. Not that it was any different from any of their other fights, but he and Lilly gotten in fight over an entirely new topic; the marauders.

Lilly had noticed that James and his friends always seemed to be missing once a month. To be honest. James was surprised that it took this long for Lilly to find out. She did seem a bit distracted last year when Snivellus called her... the word.


James growled. That greasy-git always stickes his nose too far in other people's buisness. It was bad enough that James had to save him from Remus after Sirius led him to Remus's secret. Now he holds it over all of their heads whenever he passes by. James really wishes that he could tear that smirk off of his face, but Lilly would never forgive him.

James snapped out of his mental rant when Sirius, not so subtley, threw a piece of parchment at him from across the table. James checked to make sure that Fallowing was in another batty rant about the art of time travelling or whatever. She was busy talking to a couple of Ravenclaws who seemed facinated with whatever this lesson was about. James uncrumpled the parchment and looked at Sirius's familiar scrawl.

Padfoot thinks if Prongs keeps worrying about a certain flower for too long he will start getting worry lines.

James rolled his eyes and wrote back a quick reply and chucked it at Sirius's head.

Prongs thinks that Padfoot should worry about his own life and let Prongs tell Lilly.

Sirius looked at the parchment,  wrote a reply and passed the paper back to change.

Padfoot reminds Prongs that it is Moony's secret to share and he was outvoted when Wormtail took our side.

James sighed and went back to doodling on his parchment.


James collapsed on his bed after another long day of classes. James really wanted to go to sleep, but he knew that he would be way too restless to even close his eyes, much less fall asleep. James heard the dormitry door open, but he didn't even try a greeting. He was too upset to talk to his friends right now. James honestly didn't get why they couldn't tell Lilly. She was the most trustworthy, beautiful, smart, person that James knew. It didn't make any sence. Everyone in the group loved Lilly even though she didn't love some of them back. James thought she secretly loved them back, but her pride gets in the way of admitting her feelings.

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