The Unexpected Love

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With everything that has come up with JKR recently, I felt that I needed to use my tiny voice in the Harry Potter community to speak about her comments towards the trans community. These comments are not only ignorant but completely damaging and hurtful. Trans people are people period. I am sorry that any other opinions exist. I am sorry for the trans community, and especially trans people who are huge fans of the Harry Potter books.


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Info and FAQ on what Trans/Gender Identity means for some people:

Guide to being an ally:

A master list of Trans resources and organizations:

Know your rights:

It was just another day for Dobby the House Elf at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was going on his normal cleaning routine, when he realised that since Winky was not going to be able to work for awhile, he should take her route. Dobby then hurried through his chores to finish up Winky's chores before Supper.


Dobby had almost finished up Winky's chores. All that is left is to clean Dumbledore's Office and Dobby is ready to go back to the kitchens. Dobby said the password and climbed up the stairs the best he could. He opened the door and was sad to find that the Headmaster was not currently there at the current moment. Dobby rather liked the old Headmaster. Dobby looked at the expansive office and decided to start on the shelves, as they were the hardest to clean for Dobby. He climbed on to the top of the shelf and found the most peculiar thing. He found a ragged old hat. Dobby couldn't resist putting the hat on. Dobby just loved clothes.

Dobby picked up the hat and tried it on. The hat covered Dobby's entire body.

"Hello there, house elf." said a voice.

"Who's there?" Dobby called out.

"It's me, the hat." said the Sorting Hat.

"Dobby has never met clothes like this before!"

"I get that quite a lot actually."

Dobby smiled.

"Dobby better go and clean the rest of Dumbledore's office."

"Don't worry," said the Sorting Hat "I'll keep you company."

Dobby smiled for what felt like the first time in ages.


For the next month, Dobby always went out of his way to visit the Sorting Hat in Dumbledore's office. Then, one particular day, Dobby was feeling down because of Winky. At the moment, she was in the Hospital Wing, getting as sick as a Hippogriff.

"Dobby, what is bothering you?" the Sorting Hat asked.

"Nothing is bothering Dobby, it's just that, Winky is really sick."

"Dobby, do you need a hug."

"Dobby would like that very much."

Dobby climbed up to the top shelf. He put his arms around the Sorting Hat and the Sorting Hat bent and hugged Dobby.

"Well, what do we have here?"

Albus Dumbledore strode in the office with the twinkle in his eyes going full-blast.

Dobby immediately went into a frenzy of apologies.

"Dobby is sorry for being out of work. Dobby promises that it will never happen again."

Dumbledore only laughed.

"Finding a true friend is one of the greatest gifts that anyone could find."

Albus paused.

"May I ask, why were you interested in a hat of all things."

Dobby and the hat smiled.

"Dobby has had clothes before, but never like this!"


The last two were really short because I ran out of time. Well then, until next year with the tradition.


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