Different As Can Be

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With everything that has come up with JKR recently, I felt that I needed to use my tiny voice in the Harry Potter community to speak about her comments towards the trans community. These comments are not only ignorant but completely damaging and hurtful. Trans people are people period. I am sorry that any other opinions exist. I am sorry for the trans community, and especially trans people who are huge fans of the Harry Potter books. 

Resources:Trevor Project Suicide/Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386Info and FAQ on what Trans/Gender Identity means for some people: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/trvr_support_center/trans-gender-identity/Guide to being an ally: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/resources/trevor-support-center/a-guide-to-being-an-ally-to-transgender-and-nonbinary-youth/A master list of Trans resources and organizations:  https://www.glaad.org/transgender/resources

Know your rights: https://transequality.org/know-your-rights

***Most of this is inspired by starkid, so let's play a game of try and spot the references***

Quirinus Quirrel walked into his quarters after a very long day of teaching and serving Voldemort. He took in the few moments of piece, before he unwrapped his turban. Voldemort sneezed.

"Ugh, Quirrel! I keep sneezing in that horrible turban. Get me some nasonex you swine!"

Quirrel sighed and got the nasonex that was left on the table. He reached around and shoved the nasonex up Voldemort's nose.

"Much better Quirrel. How much longer until we steal the stone?"

"A few days master. I just have to finalize the plans." Quirrel said while getting the first year papers to grade.


Quirrel settled down with a cup of tea and settled to grade the papers. After the first five papers, Quirrel realised how bad the grammer of first years were. He would have to fix that later.


He seemed not to hear Voldemort.

"Hey, Quirrel."

Quirrel was too busy scribbling on the papers.


Quirrel knocked over his ink bottle.

"My dark king, I'm so sorry milord. It won't happen again my commander."

"Easy on the 'Dark King' stuff, I watch you wipe your butt daily."

Quirrel flushed.

"We're there now. You can just call me Voldemort."

"Okay, Voldemort, what do you want me to do now?" Quirrel asked.


"Voldemort, if we are going to suceed in getting the stone, then we are going to have to be nice to eachother and become a team."

"I'm sorry," said Voldemort "I'm just nervous about what's going to happen when we get the stone."

"Relax," said Quirrel "I will be there with you the whole time. Plan A is foolproof, Plan B is even better, and Plan C will make sure that we don't fail. We even practiced on what to say to Potter when he catches up with us. Relax, when I finish these papers, we will go through the plan once again."

"Quirrel, can I ask you a favor?" asked Voldemort.


"Can you give the papers all B-s so we can practice more?"

"Of course!"


Quirrel and the head of Voldemort were lying in bed together later on. Quirrel was up, as usual, plauged with thoughts of Voldemort. Voldemort was just nervous about the upcoming scam of the decade.


"Yes, Squirrel?"

"What will happen to us when you get your body back?"

"I don't know Quirrel, over the past year you have really been a good fr-fr-fr-"



Although Quirrel could not see Voldemort's face, he knew that Voldemort was smiling.

"How about this, when you get your body back, one Saturday will be dedicated to us catching a movie, and then going roller blading afterwards?" Voldemort asked.

"That sounds like an okay idea."


"Yes, Voldemort?"

"Okay is wonderful."

Year 1: Harry Potter One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now