Natasha + Clint

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"Barton!" Fury yelled, his hands folded at his back, "I have an assignment for you.."
"What is it?" The sandy-haired man said, getting his arrows ready.
"There is a murderer running through the streets. She has been trained by the Red Room. Your assignment is to kill her.. she's dangerous," Fury said.
"Her name?" Barton asked.
"Natalia Alianovna Romanova.." Fury said, as he turned to his computer and pulled a picture of her. Clint stared into her green eyes.
"Where is she?" Barton asked.
"Right now... Stalingrad, Russia," Fury said, looking at his GPS.
"Okay," Clint nodded, heading out.
"Be careful, Barton.. she has a very specific skill set. She doesn't care who she uses it for.. or on," Fury concluded, leaving Barton alone in the room. Clint nodded, and took a picture of her with him.
"She doesn't stand a chance.." Clint muttered under his breath.


Natalia punched and kicked, the sweat dripping off her face. She walked out of the gym, a towel in one hand and water in the other. Her heels clicked on the floor, and the noise sprang throughout the empty city. Natalia sighed. She has recently escaped the Red Room. There were leaders of the Red Room, looking for her.
"Probably to wipe my memory," Natalia muttered to herself, unaware that someone was listening. She felt something come towards her.. not someone.. something. Natalia, with her quick reflexes, grabbed the flying object. As she opened her hand, she revealed an arrow. Natalia put a confused expression on her face, as she turned around to be face-to-face with a man.
"Hey there.." he said, as he shot another arrow, this time an explosive. Natalia dodged the arrow and brought out her guns.
"Are you from the Red Room?" Natalia asked, aiming the gun at his head.
"Err.. no," Clint said, hitting her in the head with his bow. Natalia grabbed his arm, twisted, and threw him over her head. She, then, pinned him to the floor, her gun still aiming at his head. Barton put his hands up in surrender.
"That's what I thought.." Natalia said, "Now, tell me.. why have you come here?"
"To kill you before you harm anyone else," Barton said, struggling to get out of her grip.
"Well, that won't happen.." Natalia said, her gun aimed at him. Clint sighed. Natalia turned as she saw flashlights roaming around the city.
"The Red Room.." Natalia said, taking Clint to a hiding spot.
"What exactly is the Red Room?" Barton whispered.
"I will tell you later.." Natalia said. The flashlights, held by guards, roamed around the city, until landing on two assassins.

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