Fighting the Red Room

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"Come out!" The guards said, their flashlights on Natalia and Clint. The two assassins put their hands in surrender, and got up from their hiding place.
"Shit.." Natalia muttered, as the guards came closer, guns aimed at them.
"Yesli vy sdelayete lyuboy khod my budem strelyat'!" The guards said, in Russian.
"What did he say?" Barton asked, his face filled with confusion.
"They said if we make any move, they will shoot.." Natalia said, her arms still up. Clint nodded, understanding.
"A teper' idi s nami.." the guards said, gesturing for them to come over.
"Huh?" Barton asked. Natalia rolled her eyes.
"Now, come with us.." Natalia translated, "Pozhaluysta pogovorite na angliyskom yazyke, etot debil ne mozhet vas ponyat," Natalia said, rolling her eyes at Clint. The guards nodded at her.
"Okay, we will take you back.. but you must have severe punishment," One of the guards said, in bad English.
"What did you say?" Barton asked.
"I said.. Please speak in English, this moron cannot understand you," Natalia answered, as the guards led them to the Red Room.

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