A Giraffe, A Breeze, A Glasses, AND A Robot!! (2)

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*(Jon's P.O.V)*

I burst through the doors in class. "SORRY I'M LATE MISS!" Students start laughing except for one, she sat alone so I assumed the seat next to him is mine. "What's your full name?"  I look at the teacher "I'm Jon Jest." She stared at the attendant list, I hope this was the right class. "Ah Jonathan. Yes take the only seat available, the students are talking while I wonder what's wrong with my life and why I'm still alive." With that strange introduction, I sat next to the girl.

She was just reading but when I sat her head perked up and looked at me. "Hey bud! I'm Ashlie! Your name was Jon right?" I nodded she continued to read, I think it was a Harry Potter book. I got on my phone and played games until I looked over at Ashlie and she was watching me play games. "You wanna try?" She nodded then got my phone. We didn't really do work, the teacher didn't seem to care either.

*(Tom's P.O.V)*

When Jon went to class I didn't, I actually went to class when there was about 3 minutes left. I walked in and sat down like if I wasn't late, luckily the teacher didn't notice. "Dude there's like 2 minutes left why'd you show up?" I look at who's next to me there's a guy with a..... Camera face? "Teacher didn't even notice it's fine, Camera." He looked annoyed by the name I have him. " I'm Cory... Freak."  I chuckle and wrote my number on a paper, why not give him my number? " I'm out Carl. This class is boring.." He grabbed the paper and walked out with me, "It's Cory."

I don't see the difference. He says 'Carl' I hear 'Carl'.

-*~Time skip to lunch cuz why not~*-

I found Jester, Carl, and my Ex-Wife, she brought another girl along. I think her name was Bri but I call her Cheesey. We all sat at an empty table and Cheesey and Carl seemed different from everyone else they're....embarrassed? I was eating peacefully when someone sat across from me.

"Hey emoji." I look up to find a dude with glasses and black hair. "Hey, I'm not an emoji, glasses, I'm a Tommy. " He looked beaut- NICE! He looked nice. "I'm a Nick!" I laughed I couldn't help but to. I feel tapping on my shoulder then heard Carl's voice in my ear " You gay for this guy your face is red. " I didn't understand, my face was red? Did he mean? I touch my face under my mask..It's extremely warm.. I look at Nick again. I can't fall for this dude, I just can't.

I look at Carl then whisper in his ear "You're the same. You haven't stopped blushing since you saw cheesey." He smacked my head laughing "Shut up." I look for my next 'victim' and see Jon and Ashlie...how to annoy them... OH SHIP NAMES THAT'LL WORK! I start chanting "Jonshlie, Jonshlie, JonSHLIE, JonSHLIE, JONSHLIE, JONSHLIE!!!" First Nick chimed in, then Cory, and then Bri. "Guys!" Jon yelled... "No regrets." Jon smirked and said "You will just you wait.."

I shook my head. " nope. 'CUZ IMA FROZENGARGON! " Nick laughed "IMA ZRES!" Jon looked like he was thinking then and chanted " FROZRES, FROZRES, FROZRES, FROZRES, FROZRES, FROZRES! " I smacked Jon on the back on his head, "At least I didn't make you gay!!" Nick laughed and said "You don't wanna be gay with me?" 

*(Bri's P.O.V)*

Me and the Camera-guy couldn't stop laughing after what Nick said. "Hey, um w-what's your name?" I say to the Camera-guy He was confused, then mouthed the word 'oh' "I'm Cory, Cory Crater." I smile, probably turning into a tomato. "I'm Bri Breezy" Then I screamed, the loud bell scared me. "Gotta go, bye guys!" Everyone says bye and I run to class and I see two guys with blue hair. How starnge. I sit in the middle because why not? One's sketching, the other seems.... off. "Hey I'm Bri Breezy." I say to the one sketching. He nods and says " I'm UNi Comix.." He didn't even look up. "Whose the other one?" He stopped drawing and stared at me. "Wot?"  (It's wot because of his accent XD )

I point at the other one with blue hair. He looked back down and continued to draw. "He's Dawn. My robot. He has feelings like everyone else like sadness, anger, and love. He's programmed to protect and.. " I couldn't hear the last part, he mumbled it, "And what?" I really wanted to know for some reason."B-Be my friend." Poor UNi.. He probably didn't have any friends.."I'll be your friend! " His head perked up "Re-Really?" I nodded , I wanted friends! "Turn of Dawn for me, press the green on his headphones." I did so and his hair glowed a bright blue showing he was on. I never noticed but UNi was wearing a giraffe hood and had glasses. Dawn had headphones and a black jacket with a key on his shirt

852 words..

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