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I finally add her. And you're welcome I just typed this. 

Mousie was ignored, sometimes she'd be right in front of people and they'd neglect her like she's invisible, everyone did that, well everyone except for Nick. That stops today!... Or so she claimed. She was going to talk to the first person she saw.

Mousie walks in the school and her eyes land on a green man with a jester hat. Jon. She walks up to him and taps him on the shoulder.

"Hey! I'm Mousie!" She spoke with a cheerful voice hoping that he'd turn around. He did.

"Hey Mousie! I'm Jon!" He greeted with the same tone of cheerful.

"I wanted to say thanks.." Mousie said looking up at him with a warm smile.

"For what?" Jon asked and Mousie nervously laughed.

"Um..  For not.... neglecting me." Mousie hesitatly said.

"Why'd anyone do that?! You seem pretty cool!" Jon said with a playful punch to the shoulder.

"I don't know, I guess it's because I'm short and boring." Mousie punched Jon back softly.

"Are you starting a war?" Jon refered to the playful punches.

"Bring it." She challenged.

This continued for awhile and Nick came along and joined in. So it was a war between The All Powerful Jon, The Competitive Nickolas AND...... that's it.

Oh yeah. AND The Newest Player, Mousie!

Soon the bell rang and Mousie basically charged to her locker. She was too busy with War Soft Punches III that she for got to get her stuff.


Mousie got her lunch and walked to her usual corner. She sat and stared at her food until she saw someone offer their hand. She took it and saw.....

Jess. The person she hated the most. Mousie glared at her and moved her hand away.

"Aw? Don't want my help? Maybe we could fight again— Oh. wait. You can't." Jess said in her sassy tone as usual.

"I can." Mousie said firmly.

"No. Because then that little friend of yours is going to get in the way." Jess said referring to Nick.

"You know what?! I'll fight you! And NO ONE will get in the way! I'll win and you'll stop bullying me." Mousie said putting her hand out for Jess to shake.

"So confident, Eh? Then I accept. But!" Jess said moving her hand away.

"But what?" Mousie questioned

"If I win then you'll basically be my slave." Jess said about to shake her hand when she moved it away.

"No deal. I'll be you're little slave for a week and there." Mousie put her hand back out.

"Deal!" They finally shook hands.

Mousie got pulled away and dragged out the cafeteria by the one and only Nick.

"Mouse, what the heck?! I told you no more." Mousie just folded her arms and looked away.

"Mousie please. I just don't want you to get hurt." Mousie unfolded her arms and looked at Nick.

"I know that. But you can trust me Nick. If I get hurt then the jokes on me bu—" Mousie was cut off by Nick basically yelling at her.

"No! I'm the one that takes care of you! I'm the one that you trusted! I'm the—" Nick was in tears he couldn't finish.

"Then help me." Mousie said putting her hand on his shoulder.

"W-What?" He asked wiping his tears

"Help me fight her. Then you won't have to worry."

"When is it?" He said standing up straight like he's about to punch someone.

"Today after school. Don't tell anyone of your friends. I don't need their help... Only yours." Mousie said taking her hand off.

"Alright.. Hope you know.... Girl 'bout to die."

"Yeah and it better be Jess." Mousie said as they head back into the cafeteria.

Mousie sat with Nick and his friends. She got to know all of them Nick mentioned that only 3 weren't there. Cory, Bri, and Shelby. Shelby didnt come today and Cory and Bri went on a date instead of having lunch there.

NEXT CHAPTER:    Do I do Mousie's fight or Shelby's reason for not coming to school? (I'm doing both just wondering, which one first.)

You're welcome for the REALLY late chapter   \_(°^°) _/

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