No Fight, but a Bite (4)

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(it's the end of school and everyone is there to watch the fight.)

*(???'s P.O.V)*

How will I do this..? Well at this point I can try anything as long as I don't hit 'em hard! I want them together no matter what!

*(Nick's P.O.V)*

The fight is about to start, the sophomore is talking with someone when the junior walks up to them.. Tom burst out in laughter to what the junior did. She pushed the two people together, and they kissed. (For clarification, ??? pushed Dawn which caused him to fall towards and kiss UNi ;D) "What.... the... flipping... " Tom struggles to speak due to him laughing a lot. Then Tom got up and walked towards them. "Tommy! Where you going?" I say following him. "Name?" he says to the junior. "Jess." He tried not to laugh again. "Okay, okay and yours?" he said referring to the sophomore. "Dawn... "

"Okay now go home I'm ending this." He told Dawn and Jess. Jess huffed "Fine, I got what I wanted." Dawn just nodded and left with the person he fell onto. "We should go to.... like now!" Something was going to happen. It's 6:00. Hunger Time. "Vright. Let's go." Tom said leaving, While walking I start kicking my own leg to distract myself. Hungry.. "Can we go any faster?!" I say rushingly. Tom nodded and ran so I ran too. Hungry.

I stopped running and bit myself. ow. "You okay?!" Tom asked, I nodded. "run away... " I said, my voice shaking.. "N-No! I won't leave you here! To suffer! To struggle! I care about you Nick!" Tom yelled, coming toward me. Don't bite him Nick...Don't bite.. "Tom please leave.." He didn't leave me! Why?!....Hungry. I bite myself again, trying not to hurt Tom.

"Bite me Nick. Just do it if it helps you calm down." Tom said calmly. I look at him and he rolled up his sleeve, "Bite my arm." I shake my head, I didn't want to... "Nick! You obviously need it, trust me." I can't believe him...HUNgry.... I stare at his arm, "You won't tell anyone?... Promise?" Tommy smiled and nodded.

I calm myself.... My fangs show.... I take a deep breath.... My eyes turn black.... I look at him again, he nodded, then I look at his arm.... I bite. I drink some. Then stop.

I put my fangs away, eyes normal, and two bite marks on his arm. "Sorry, I drank a lot..." Tom hugs me.. "It's fine Nick! You're okay now?" He doesn't hate me? "Yeah..." I feel myself get picked up and thrown over Tom's shoulder. "Great! Let's go!" I still felt guilt.... He was fine, but he kinda pitied me since I was uncontrollable.. "Where are you going..?" I asked Tom, he was still running. "I don't know!" I frown, "To the forest... " Tom stopped running and put me down on the ground "Why?" I start walking towards the forest. "Trust me Thomas.."

500 words. woo hoo

Strange Friendships (A NewScapeCrew Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora