Chapter 2

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*in the morning*
*Marinette's P.O.V.*
   Waking up the first thing I see is Tikki sleeping peacefully next to me curled up on my pillow. As I look over to my phone seeing what time it is I was shocked seeing that I woke up earlier than expected witch is 9:28 a.m.. Deciding to get ready for the of my day I slowly get out of bed as to not wake up Tikki as I get my stuff together for a shower.

*15 min time skip*

 As I got out of the shower I get dressed in my usual(?) outfit which consisted of my pink cuffed jeans, the white t-shirt with a black and pink flower design in the top corner(?), a plain black cuffed jacket that was opened up, and my pink flats, but instead of putting my hair in pigtails like usual I decided to leave my hair down for today. After getting ready I headed down to the kitchen and made myself some pancakes, and eggs with a glass of orange juice. When i got done eating my breakfast I grabbed some chocolate chip cookies for Tikki and headed up stairs to see that she had already woken up.

 "Good morning Tikki I brought you some cookies to eat, did you have a good night sleep?" I said while motioning(?) to the plate of cookies I sat down on my computer desk for when ever she got hungry.

 "Good morning Marinette I slept well well, how did you sleep?" Tikki said while making her way over to grab a cookie off of the pile on the plate.\

 "I slept wonderful Tikki" I said smiling while glancing at the time seeing that it was already 12 o'clock remembering I had to be at Alya's place in 3 hours.

 "oh and Marinette thank you for the cookies" Tikki giggled a thanks, finishing the last cookie on the plate.

 "you're welcome Tikki" I said while double checking to make sure that I had everything for the sleepover  later.After the conversation Tikki and I had my mama and papa had called me to help them downstairs with the lunch rush that was about to occur(?).

*time skip to around 2:30*

 While I was getting done helping my parents with the bakery I glanced at the time seeing that I had to go soon or I would be late. I ran up the stairs grabbing my things, while making sure Tikki was safe in my purse. "bye-bye mama and papa i'll see you tomorrow" I said while grabbing enough cookies that will last Tikki until the next day. Then I rushed out the door , and headed straight towards Alya's place.

( feel free to leave any suggestions or comments again this is the first story I've ever written I'm sorry if it's bad, i know its short and that I'm not posting like at all and thank you for taking your time reading this)

The Blushing Mishap At The Sleepover (Miraculous ladybug)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora