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(A/N: If you're confused by the song, I just like it and thought it would be fitting for Dusk since she has the Obessive-Compulsive Disorder, and I used some song lyrics :3)

     You opened your eyes, still tired from just waking up from the 'nap', more like fainting. All you saw around you was black. Cliché, but it still spooked you.

     "H-hello? Hello!? HELLO?!" Your voice echoed around you, and the darkness became a bit suffocating.

     "So you're awake." A hollow, distant voice said. You stood up, looking for the source. A person walked into your view from the inky black. "Dusk. Wings Mental Hospital patient." They said.

    "S-s-so you're insane!?" You shouted, your eyes widening.

   "That's rude." They said. "I just introduced myself and you already hate me." They smiled.

   "This place is just a dream, (Y/N)," They said, voice still hollow, even though they wore a smile. "This place lets go of time. All breath feels like yours. You get absorbed in daydreams, don't you?"

'What the fuck is that supposed to mean!?' You thought.

    "That's sweet. You're afraid of me."

   "N-no I'm not..."

   They tsked. "You wish." Their smile grew. "I can almost smell your fear."


  "You may be afraid of me now, but you'll like me soon." 

  "No I won't! You're just like everyone else here! Weird."

  "Hurtful," They smiled. "I like it. One of the many reasons to not murder you."

  Your breathing quickened, and your vision started fading.

  "You're waking up, I see. See you in hell, Aphrodite."

You felt like you wanted to die, and your legs were numb. You groaned, holding onto your head with one hand. "Where am I?" You mumbled.

The door on the other side of the room opened, and out came MGB. "You're awake! Do you need water, Advil, anything?" He was in a state of worry for you, and it was very genuine. A girl came through the door, and it was one you didn't recognize.

"Sir, is everything going well?" She said. She then noticed you. "Oh. My name is Aiden. Assistant here. You're (Y/N), right?"

"Yeah...and can I get some Advil and water please...?" You asked. MGB nodded, and headed over to a cabinet.

"Oh, and Doctor, Dusk was contained in her room again. Alexander was taken care of." Aiden said, walking over to a couple monitors on the wall. Suddenly, the memories came rushing back. The dead man, that insane person, and your state of panic. You shuddered. And the name Dusk seemed familiar.

MGB walked over, handing you some Advil along with water. "Sorry if you were freaked out earlier. The patients here.....I can't really say much." He mumbled the last part, but just loud enough to hear.

"So...I'm going to be working with insane patients...?" You asked. Aiden shook her head and sighed.

"Not all of them are exactly insane. Some just have severe depression that it could be slightly dangerous. Some are pyromaniacs, or have severe mental disorders that it could be a little harmful. The only real insane ones have Schizophrenia or-"

"I think she gets it Aiden." MGB deadpanned. You chuckled a bit from how friendly they actually seemed.

Aiden sighed. "By the way, Dusk and Dawn need their pills and the rest need food."

"Pills...?" You asked.

"Dusk and Dawn are the more...interesting patients. They need pills to help balance their mental states. Their brains are somehow connected. We tried to figure it out, but we couldn't get close enough." MGB explained.

"So they're actual insane?" You asked.

"You could say that." He replied.

With that, MGB asked if you were good enough to walk around. You nodded, following the pair out the door. You walked past other doctors and assistants. The patients were strangely quiet for a mental hospital. All of a sudden, a scream cut through. Great job, you thought, ya jinxed it.

You reached a room with the two in front of you. "Aiden is going to grab what we need from here." MGB said.

Aiden came out of the strangely large closet with two containers. One was filled to the brim with white, the other black. You looked at them quizzically.

"They help balance someone's mental state." Aiden said, noticing your confusion.

You then set off down the hallway again, the other two in front of you. A couple minutes later, you stood in front of a door titled P#000, and one close next to it titled P#145.

This was going to be interesting.


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Word Count: 766

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