Baby Tranformation Dare

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Me: Hello! I AM BACK WITH YO!!!

Yo: HI!!!!

Punks & Turtles: *groans*

Rebel: Great.

Me: Alright. Let's start with the outside dares. It's right above us!

Yo: Awesome!

Me: *flicks hands around* With the power of me, babies the turtles should be. With minds still the same, should be a fun game!

*Turtles turn into babies but minds of 16 year olds*

Baby Leo: What?! Seriously??!

Baby Raph: *pouts* I feel helpless and stupid.

Baby Donnie: Helpless, maybe. Stupid, no. We still have our minds.

Baby Mikey: *acts age* Goo goo, Ga ga! I wove being baby!

Punks except Ghost: Aww!

Ghost: *blushes at baby Raph's cuteness*

Me: Sadly, the spell only lasts for 1 chapter cause we have more dares and asks but this should be a long chapter, then. And I can't make it embarrassing much cause, well, I'm terrible at those things.

Swift: *reads dare* Says here that we have to treat them as babies.

Rebel: Well, good thing Leo's a good boy so no punishment for him. *does baby voice while pinches baby Leo's cheeks* Right, wittle Weo?

Baby Leo: *growls, pouts and folds arms* Yes, Rebel.

Me: Great! Let's start with feeding time!

Yo: Let's go get the baby food!

MC: We'll help!

*Punks, Yo and Mia runs to the kitchen to prepare food*

Me: Good thing I always prepare food! *holds out baby food*

Ghost: Are we suppose to feed them?

Yo: Uh, duh! You guys are suppose to while Mia and I will watch.

Swift: *pouts* Bummer.

Me: Let's just start making!

*meanwhile, at the living room, the baby turtles huddle up*

Baby Leo: Okay, guys. We have to act like the actual babies they think we look like so none of us get a 'baby' punishment like standing in the corner or getting spanks. Understand that, Raph?

Baby Raph: Yeah, I do! You're not the only one who doesn't wanna get spank!

Baby Donnie: We also have to do whatever they say. Got it?

Baby Mikey: Got it! Also, you dudes gotta use your puppy eyes or the power of cuteness to get the things you want! Now that we're babies, it'll work for sure!

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