Immunity; Two

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From now on the story will be staying in third person unless I say otherwise.


Tell it to the Frogs Part One:

Emilie gasped as she heaved the tent onto Scout's back, causing the dapple grey speckled stallion to snort in what almost sounded like a huff."Hush you big baby, it'll only be for a little while."The horse snorted, before smacking the brunette with his tail, as she walked over to his left side.


She said whopping his neck in annoyance, as she pulled herself into the saddle. Luckily she had learned how to properly pull herself onto Scout, since she was young, even due to his large size. Emilie looked down at Daryl who stared at her in a silent question.

"You can either walk, or ride with Anna. Your choice."

Daryl only gave a grunt in response, before walking his way over to the strawberryblonde and her currently grazing mare. The dark coated mare looked up at him as he was approaching, allowing him to brush his fingers against her neck."I think she likes you."

Anna said, her soft melody like voice, breaking him away from the mare. Anna offered him a smile, before hopping onto Rosebud in a swift and almost effortless movement. Daryl nodded, for once not having the nerve to snap at the person.

Anna offered him a hand, that he stared at with his Georgian blue eyes, pulling him up onto the mare, who gave an uncomfortable whinny as she was not used to the extra weight."Shhhh, it won't be for long , Bud." The horse only gave a soft snort towards Anna, who softly stroked the dark mane.

Emilie looked back towards the deer that was tied to a assortment of a spare sleeping bag along with a rope tied to Scout."C'mon, boy. Giddyap."

Scout neighed as he followed behind the mare, "Ya think your group will accept us?" The brunette asked lightly touching her left hand to the stallion's mane."Dunno. Just gonna have ta wait and see."Emilie gave a nod towards the redneck who now refused to make eye contact with her.

Emilie sighed in confusion, before her ears alerted her to the rattling of the bushes to her right. A familiar moan echoed causing the brunette to sigh in pure irritation, as she pulled her bow into her arms. She knocked an arrow, steadying her aim before releasing it, making the walker fall with a thud.

She slowed Scout until he stopped, and hopped off the horse retrieve the arrow. The walker wasn't any prettier than the rest, and the blood she just knew was going to drench her arrow made her internally wince. She lightly walked towards the corpse, barely managing to prevent herself from getting sick, as the scent of the rotting corpse filled her nose.

She said nothing as she knelt beside the dead walker, her hand grasping the arrow. Before she could yank the arrow out, another hand grabbed then tugged the arrow out of the walker's head. She looked up in surprise, quickly noticing that it was Daryl, as he released his grip on the arrow. She felt a sense of confusion, as she hadn't even heard him get off the horse.

"T-Thank you..."

Emilie mentally cursed as her voice stuttered, wanting to slap herself."Whatever..."Emilie's appreciative look, swiftly turned to annoyance, as he bluntly spoke, turning his back to her."Asshole."She whispered thinking he couldn't hear, but she was sorely mistaken as he turned giving her a heated glare.

Emilie sighed. She really hoped she wouldn't regret this...


*One month later*


Daryl spoke hardly sparing a glance towards Emilie, as he looked down at the vague tracks of a deer. The brunette turned her head towards her horse, whose reigns were tossed over a tree branch. Scout grazed, but somehow made hardly any noise that could potentially scare off the deer. Then in a flash she heard Daryl pull the trigger on his crossbow, releasing a bolt into the warm blooded mammal.

Immunity//TWD(Daryl x OFC)Where stories live. Discover now