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A/N This is a bit of a smutty chapter, so be warned...


I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. Today I had gotten to see the part of Elaine that I had never seen before. She got to be herself and not that tough girl who was angry at the world, but a wonderful young woman who saw the world as beautiful and welcomed me to share it with her. I remembered Elaine's laughter, the look in her beautiful brown eyes. I wished I knew what to say just to see her face lighten up every single day. Because it was a breathtakingly beautiful site...

I hadn't known how much her happiness meant to me—how much 'she' meant to me until that very moment she looked up to me and her beautiful face brightened while her eyes twinkled with excitement during the fireworks. It then settled heavily in my gut that despite what she had done before or what everybody else said about her, beyond her imperfections, I knew Elaine was a good person who was just misunderstood. Beyond the tough exterior, she was just a girl who easily hurt, feared and felt lonely. A girl who had forgotten how to laugh genuinely. A girl who had forgotten how to live because she was been too busy surviving.

I looked at the pictures we took at the fair earlier. We were sitting so close to each other, laughing and making silly faces at the camera. I could remember her beautiful scent as her body snuggled close to mine. I could even remember fighting the strong urge to pull her closer and never let go. She looked beautiful in the photos. But I could not let her see any of them because something was wrong. My eyes glowed of burning flames. Actual flames.

Any Angel in their true form did not have normal eyes like humans. Our eyes reflected the energy that fueled our powers. It is believed that staring into an Angel's is like staring directly into their soul. You could see their truest intentions, whether good or evil...In fact, that's the way you can differentiate Heaven Angels from Fallen Angels wnd Demons—well, that and the wings.

Anyways, as an Angel of Death, in my true form, my eyes were fiery in actual sense of the word. But in my human vessel, they were unusual shade of deep amber. For some unknown reasons my true eyes showed on these photos and I knew how unusual—if not scary—that would seem to Elaine. So I hid them back in my jacket and tried to sleep. But the thought of her kept me awake until early dawn.

I picked Elaine from work on Friday night. She looked so beautiful with her hair falling on her shoulders, she stared up at me and her big brown eyes lit up, her pink lips spread into a breathtaking smile. She seemed excited to see me and I fought an urge to pull her close and...taste them? Careful Mal'ach...don't let your vessel control you...said the voice inside me.

"I want to see where you live." Elaine said as we walked to the bus stand I stopped abruptly and searched her face to see if she was joking. She wasn't.

"No." My reply was more curt than intended.

"I knew you'd say that. What if you get sick one day and you need someone to come take care of you?"

"I don't get sick."

"Yeah, right." She said and since I had tried my best to learn how humans conversed, I was getting good at detecting what they called sarcasm. And I have to say, Elaine used it a lot. "Come on Adriel, you know where I live, it's only fair that I get to know where you live. We are friends, aren't we?" She looked at me as with a hint of despair in her last words. How could I say no to those big brown eyes even though the voice in my head was screaming it was a bad idea?

So I took her there.


Apparently, Adriel lived in some crappy almost-abandoned building downtown, on the fifth and last floor. Oh—and there was no working elevator. But the minute we walked into Adriel's apartment, my heart nearly stopped. It was simply not what I expected. The place was spacious studio apartment with a huge glass window giving a direct view of the city and St. Peter's Church. What's with him and churches? Anyways, it was a beautiful view.

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