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A few days ago, my life was not perfect but it was something I recognized. I had problems but I was doing my very best to find solutions until he came along. To me, the idea of finding that one person in your life who would mean the world to you, who would always make your heart skip a beat whenever you saw them, who you'd do anything for—even if it meant that you'd have to change your entire self just to make them happy—that idea always seemed fucking absurd to me. Well, until now...

Bethany walked back from a table with a goofy smile on her face carrying a tray of dirty glasses. She was coming from getting her flirt on with a hot Ian Somerhalder look-alike who I'm sure came there on a daily basis just to see her. She wiggled her eyebrows at me and from the look on her annoyingly happy, face I knew what was coming.

"Guess who's got a hot date with Mr. Hot Guy over there?"

"The Grinch." I answered. "Seriously, wipe that grin off your face or he's going to think you have never been on a date before." I answered. Beth's smile didn't falter, she was used to my sarcastic comments by now, just like I was used to her annoyingly cheerful mood. She turned to give the guy one flirty smile before he walked out of the restaurant. I rolled my eyes and went on wiping the counter while keeping an eye at the door in case...well, in case Adriel decided to show up.

"So how are you?" Beth suddenly asked.

"Superb, you?" I answered absent mindedly.

"Oh-oh! What did he do?" She leaned over the counter, watching me with now serious eyes.

"What did who do?" I arched a brow.

"You're all grumpy—well, a little more than your usual self. And the shy cutie that usually comes in here and waits for you till you get off work hasn't been around lately. So I figured something is wrong. What did he do?"

Was she kidding me? I was so not going to talk about Adriel with her! Yes, we had grown pretty close in those couple of weeks—well as close as an introvert like myself would let anyone—and yes, she was smart with a wild sense of humor and this warmth that was contagious, but still, I was not yet comfortable enough to open about some things to her.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said.

"Oh, come on Elaine. Don't be such a dark-horse! A few days ago, you were all smiles, and may I remind you, it's not something we get to see every day. But now you're all gloomy and you've been staring at the door while wiping that same spot for like half an hour now so yes, it's that cutie and yes something is wrong."

Okay, not that I didn't want to tell her but the whole confiding thing was new to me.

"Look, I know we're not besties or anything but it doesn't take a psychiatrist to know that you've got trust issues. And believe me, I get that but Elaine, I just hope that you'll learn to open up to someone eventually, you don't always have to bear everything alone."

"Duly noted." I winked at Beth then threw her a quick grin before carrying the tray to the kitchen.

Beth was right, I had to open up to someone someday but see, the problem was, without myself knowing it exactly, I had been opening up to Adriel for the past weeks and it made me feel closest to someone for the first time in my life. But now things were not right between us. It had been days since I saw him, since our little...incident—which apparently left me hot and bothered whenever I thought about it. From how awkwardly rude he acted after, I at least expected him to show up at the restaurant and apologize.

I mean, I still don't get why he freaked out in me. He said he didn't have a girlfriend and I know guys lie about that all the time but then again, I had been around enough teenage boys to know that 95% of them never turned down making out with a girl. I remember the look on Adriel's face, it was that of guilt if not shame, which honestly hurt. Like a lot. I mean, was I that unattractive? Or was he disgusted at the things I did in my life? I mean, I'm no angel that's for sure, but for the short while that we spent together, Adriel did not seem like a kind of guy to judge me or how screwed up my life was. So something else must have freaked him out that night and I decided that before I lost my mind trying to figure it out, I was going to seek him out for a long serious talk.

I finally saw Adriel by his locker the following day at school. When he saw me, he tensed. He looked as if he wanted to bolt and I frowned. Really?

"Adriel" I called as I approached him. Wow! I had forgotten how painfully beautiful his eyes were! I felt his musky scent again and memories of his hard warm body pressed against mine flashed on my mind. I think he read my sinful thoughts and the pained look on his face was back again. Wait, seriously though, was he disgusted by me? Did he regret kissing me that night? I cursed myself for a hundredth time.

"Okay, so about the other night—" I began but he cut me off.

"It was a mistake, Elaine. It shouldn't have happened." He quickly said. Mistake? For real? I felt a hard lump in my throat. So the kiss meant nothing to him? What a blow to take! There goes my pride!

"Of course..." I said, my own voice was betraying me. Damn it! Before I could open my mouth to say something, he cut me off again.

"Look Elaine, I have a class now. I have to go." He said, without even looking at me then left. I swear, if there was a cliff nearby, I would have gone and jump right off it! Adriel was keeping his distance, I could feel it and yet, I could do nothing about it.

I felt so unimportant and unwanted. Was I not pretty enough? Again, maybe it's because I was trouble. Any guy in his right mind would know better than to get involved with me. Ironic wasn't it? At first I never cared but now I did. So much. Now that I had finally found a guy who made me feel safe in this dangerous world of mine. A guy who looked at me like I was an extraordinary creature that never ceased to amaze him. The guy who appreciated me and made me want to be a better person. Yes, I wanted to be a better person for him but now I wasn't even sure if he liked me.

Hey sinners,

So y'all have been making me sad lately, I update on time and no votes? Really?... Y'all are breaking my black heart 😢

Anyways,  I hope you liked this update. Make sure you don't miss the next one 'cause shit's about to get real,  😊😊 Until next time


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