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Catch Me.

Hey guys! My name is Jules and I am currently writing this fanfic at 10:24 pm because I just read an amazing fanfic and it inspired me to write one as well. I hope you guys like it! Im not sure if I will update frequently because im very busy with school but I will try as often as I can! :) Hope you enjoy! And leave tons of comments! I want to know if you are all invested emotionally in the story :))))








Chapter 1:

My days usually start off with the screaming of my brothers fighting and the irritating buzz of my alarm clock. But, today was different. I woke up in a strange place. The celiing was white and the walls were half painted with a sky blue color. The smell of paint was very strong but i liked it. I looked around and I couldn't figure out where I was at the moment. I looked down at body to see that I was fully extended laying on a brown leather couch in the middle of a room. I could hear faint music from the outside the windows on the far right side of the place. I tried to get up from the couch but my first, second, & third attempt all failed miserably. My stomach was queasy and I felt like gagging. I had a massive headache that was leaving the sound of ringing in my ears and everytime I tried to get up I just did not have the energy and failed. After my 5th attempt I finally succeeded but when I looked down on my body I had on an unrecognizable t-shirt and underwear. Okay, now this was weird. I managed to find my pants under the coffee table in the living room. It appeared to have a stinch of alcohol on it. As my senses were engulfed with the aroma my mind starting putting back the pieces of what happened last night.....

*My parents were fighting over the idea of me moving out. I don't know why my dad won't let me leave the house, I mean I am 18 years old. My mother believes I need to get out and experience the world; travel and live in a dorm instead of at home where I need to drive and hour to get to school everyday for my 8:00 class in World Literature. But, my father on the other hand cannot accept the fact that is baby girl is actually leaving the house. The fighting was giving me a migraine so Ashley and I decided to go to Eli's Bar. Eli's is the best place to get alcohol with everyone thinking your 21. They do not even ask for your ID. I learned a few perks to get a little tipsy before the age of 21. I then remember talking to that cute bartender and him giving me drink after drink. He said he wanted to take me on a walk outside because he thought I looked drunk and needed to walk it off, so then we went. We walked for a while until we got to his house and he said I could lay on his couch until Ashley came to get me. *

Well then why was I still here? Why didn't Ashley come pick me up? And well, where was that boy with the sparkly emerald eyes?


Comment what you think!!! :))

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