2: Lolia

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Logan's P.O.V

I was on my phone at my house cause the boys said I needed rest. I couldnt do anything cause it was six against one.

Other than that, Lia's still in the hospital, Zach's dad got arrested, and Julia... She's been pretty distant. I get that she models, but she isnt the Julia that smiles every single minute of the day anymore. Whenever I ask her she says she's fine.

Then I hear a knock on the door,

"It's open."

The door creaks open and Julia walks into the room.

"Julia?" I immediately sit up from the bed. She smiles and sits on the edge of  the bed facing me.

"Hi Logan."


"Okay, so, I don't know how to start this, but you, Logan, you are such and amazing boyfriend and such an
amazing brother to your siblings. You're an amazing person in general. You have such a successful career and you work you handsome little butt off every single day." She cuts me off, and I let out a small laugh.

"So what i'm saying is, you have so much going on in your life, and so many things to worry about, but you handle all of them though. And I wanna help you, even just a little bit."

"What do you mean?"

"You deserve so much better than me, Logan."

"What? Julia! No! I don't! Y-you can't leave me! I cant lose my two girls! Stay! Please." I pull her in for a hug.


Stay savage. Xx

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