Chapter 23// ¨Strawberry girl just kissed Inori¨

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Deadline: 1 day Y/n Pov

My body ache when i drag my feets to the living room where all the girls talking over each other ¨there she is that hoe be calling people over but is still sleeping¨ Inori exclame ¨shut up you bitch i feel like shit¨ i mumble.

¨i wonder why¨ Inori says.

¨y/n thank you for inviting me but i can't drink so i brought apple juice with me if that fine¨ Skylar says with an happy tone, i smile when our eyes locked i hugged fast ¨aawww your eyes are so swollen¨ Skylar says with worry ¨that what she gets she hurt Tae and he sholden't been hurt¨.

¨oh yes i heard about that are you okay?¨ she asked my, i shake my head with disagreement my eyes tear up ¨no i'm not i hurt him everything i did hurt him and i just hate myself more¨

¨well y-¨ ¨hey baby one of the vodka bottle broke and then the food is getting kinda cold¨sebastian says ¨how did you brake it?¨ Inori says ¨it slipped out of my hand¨

¨did you pick up the glass?¨ ¨nope¨ with that they both left ¨just hope you guys get back together¨ says Skylar before walking to the snacks table.

I let out a big sigh ¨hey¨ Ava shyly says ¨i'm verey sorry about telling tae i jus-¨ ¨it's fine¨ i cut her off ¨no it's no-¨ ¨yes it at some point i was going to have to tell him and plus i want him to hate me before the boys get anymore hurt because of me¨ i say lowly ony for me Ava to hear.

Her eyebrows knit ¨ what do you mean?¨ i sigh as i walk closer to her my lips touch her earlobe slightly causing her to shiver a little ¨they already have guys with guns following them¨

- Tae Pov

¨stop following me i am okay¨ i shout at Jimin and Jungkook who Namjoon asked to keep an eye on me ¨Yoongi hyung already blocked her number and i just have 2 packs of beer left in my room i just want to drink in the dark alone¨ i say with a big frustrated sigh ¨Tae we just want to comfort you¨ Jimin pouts Jungkook doing the same.

¨we are just as sad as you i loved y/n noona as a big sister¨ i sigh with a little shake with my head ¨fine we can play overwatch all night Nim did give us a small day off the week¨ Jungkook and Jimin smiled before running to my room.

I would smile or run with them but the pain that lingers in my chest stops me from being happy ¨until she says sorry first then i talk it out¨ i say to myself.

Walking to my room i stopped next to the window next to the stairs my gaze following a black van that just sits next to the house the fact that an other black van that looks just like it drives slowly next to the parked van i knit my brows.

I feel uncomfortable the bad feeling lingers in my gut ¨Tae hurry!¨ Jimin shouts

¨coming!¨ i shout back. in a swift move i take out my phone out of my pocket and take a fast pictures of the van's i was pressing the button non-stop until i was sure i was out of the van's sight I look at the pictures on my phone almost all of them came out blur but one didn't I zoomed into the picture.

¨who are you?¨

- Y/n Pov

¨Strawberry girl!" Inori shout as she point at her with an cheeky grin ¨you where invited in this fuck up together?" she shy girl nods ¨i'm Inori by the way¨ i watch as she sticks out her hand "i-i-inroi?" the girl smooth voice was hardly heard "no hun it's I-n-o-r-i".

"i-i-inori?" she mumbles again me and Inori smile "yup you got it, want a drink?" she nods.

I take an other red cup from the shots table Inori made ¨wow chill hun your going to pass out" i nod my head "that's what i'm going for eomma" Sarah clicks her tongue.

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