Chapter 23

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-chapter 23-

Katie POV.

"So you know what to do, right!?" I say to Jack G. and Shawn.

"Sort of, go over it one more time." says Shawn.

"Ugh... fine! You two go up to Peyton when she's alone so Cam doesn't notice. You take her into a different room and.. you know.. HURT HER! Then you will leave and lock the door so she can stay in there. And make sure if anyone asks where she is to say she had to go to the store to get 'food'. Understand now!" I explain.

"Ok. I get it now." says Shawn.

"Same." says Jack G.

Peyton never liked Magcon or any of the boys. I always liked Cameron and she just has to go and steal him from me. I have the chance to meet him and she bumps in and takes him ALONG WITH LIKE 4 OTHERS! I can't stand her! I never really liked Peyton. I just made her think that so I'm not alone during high school. So for revenge, I will hurt her and make her feel my pain.

"Well go." I say.

They run off and go find her.

My plan is now in movement. Here we go... Good Luck Peyton.....

Peyton POV.

Cam and I walk back into the hotel and we go into our separate rooms to get ready for Magcon.

"Love you." I say to him while he kisses me on the forehead.

"Love you too." he says.

I wave and walk in my room. Then I see Jack and Shawn.

"Hey guys.. what's up?" I say walking over to my suitcase.

"Oh nothing..." they say.

I turn around and Jack has a wooden bat and Shawn has rope and duck tape.

"Wh-what are you doing...." I say backing away towards the hotel phone.

"Just be quiet." says Shawn.

I run as soon as I hear those words.

Jack grabs me and slams my body on the ground. They both drag me into the bathroom and lock the door. They tie me to the toilet and start kicking me. Jack takes his bat and hits me on the side of the rib and my legs. Shawn then duck tapes my arms and legs together. Jack takes a couple more swings at me and the room is going black. Then Shawn punches me in the stomach and head one more time and I pass out.

Right before the room goes completely black I see Shawn and Jack walk out of the bathroom with smiles on their faces. Then it goes all black.

Cameron POV.

"Love you too." I say as I walk away.

I walk into my hotel room and get ready. I put on a t-shirt, skinny jeans, and a pair of Vans. Nash and Hayes walk in and they are all ready dressed and ready.

"How did you guys get ready already." I say.

"Oh, well we were all going to the food court for some pre Magcon signings. We all just got back." says Hayes.

"Oh so I was the only one not their and not invited." I say getting my shirt on.

"No one could find you or Peyton and Jack and Shawn weren't there so don't feel left out." says Nash.

"Oh okay. Well let's go!" I say.

We walk out the door and go to the place were Magcon will be held.

Peyton said she would meet me down there so I just wait.

After the V.I.P. part of Magcon Peyton is still not here.

"Hey have you seen Peyton?" Matt asks me.

That's the first time he has talked to me nicely in a long time.

"Uh no have you? She said she would be here." I say.

"I'm gonna go to here room to see if she's okay." I say.

"I'll come with you." he says.

Okay then. He's being nice now. That's new.

"Hey guys me and Matt will be back soon okay! Have fun!" I say into the mic.

All the girls say bye and we walk out.

Matt and I walk out and go through some halls into the lobby. Some of the girls out there scream and we take some pictures. Then we go up the elevator. I have a key to Peyton's room just incase and we walk in.

No one is in the hotel room. We call out her name a couple times and look around. Then I see the bathroom door is closed. I walk over to it and open it and my jaw drops.

"Matt." I say.

"Yeah?" he says.

"Call 9-1-1. now." I say in shock.

"Why what happened!?" He says.

"Someone abused Peyton." I say.


Ok new chapter! I am so close to my play performances and I'm so scared and excited!!! AHH! Well I have so many views!! Yet so little reads, please help me out.. thanks.. c:

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