Chapter 30

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-chapter 30-

Cameron POV.

I was just shot.

Fall to the ground and I feel pain everywhere in my body.

Blood is everywhere.

Peyton is next to me she was shot too. Not by a gun though. I think it's a tranquilizer thing. I'm not sure.

I go up to Peyton and try and hug her.

If this is the end for me I want to be in the arms of the girl I love.

I know Matt did that as soon as I saw her on the ground. She would never do something like that.

Peyton is picked up by a man in a mask. I try to get up but I'm to weak. I don't exactly where I was shot but I can feel a lot of pain in my shoulder.

When Peyton is taken away I start to here sirens. I look over and I see Nash.

He looks at me in shock. I point with all my strength to the way Peyton and that man went.

Nash runs that way. Then everyone comes out of their rooms. Everyone gathers around me. Even people I don't know. Then everyone moves and people put me on something and run me outside. I'm now in a ambulance. They strap me up and in the matter of seconds... I black out.

Peyton POV.

I wake up somewhere weird. All the walls are white and there are machines connected to me. I sit up and look over to my left and right.

People are in here.

Why am I in here. I start to struggle because I am handcuffed to the bed. Everyone wakes up and has a smile on there face. I'm FREAKING OUT!!!


Someone runs out and then a bunch of doctors come in. Everyone gets out and the doctors hold me down. One of them gives me a shot in the thigh and I instantly calm down.

"What's happening? Where am I!" I say.

The doctors all exit except one.

"Hi sweetie. Im Hannah. I'm one of your doctors. You are in the hospital." she says in a sweet tone.

"Did you say.. Hannah" I say.

"Yes that's my name." she says checking papers.

Something in me sparks.

"I-I know someone named Hannah." I say.

She looks up instantly.

"You do." she says walking over to me.

"Yeah. I think I my cousin or someone has that name." I say.

"So you think you are related to her?" she says.

"Yes." I say.

"Tell me about her." she says.

"Well she has long blonde hair and blue eyes. She is taller than me, because I remember looking up to her. She always has a bracelet on her left hand and she has a small tattoo of a bird on her back. She use to call me her little bird. I remember how she use to play dolls with me when I was little and she would always tuck me in at night." I say remembering her like it was yesterday I saw her.

"It sounds like your mom or grandma." She says.

"Yeah. I think it was my mom." I say.

"Okay I have to tell the doctor this, but if you remember ANYTHING else, Please write it on this piece of paper." says Hannah ripping a piece of paper out of a empty notebook and puts it on the table next to me.

I nod and she leaves the room.

Seconds later she comes in and says, "Also, are you ready for visitors? You have many people waiting to see you."

"Yeah, I guess." I say.

She smiles at me and I return a slit one.

She exits and moments later the door knob opens and a boy about my age enters.

I notice him. I think..

SO SORRY I NEVER UPDATED!! I never had time...

Well I have 1K views!!! Thanks to the people who are still reading.. Love ya.

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