Chapter 25

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-chapter 25-

Cam POV.

The paramedics carry out Peyton and I go along with them. All that's going thought my mind is bad thoughts.

What if she is hurt really really bad?

What if she can't walk anymore?

What if she is different?

What if she forgets everyone?

What if she forgets what kind of relationship we had?

I try to forget that kind of stuff but it doesn't work. They lift Peyton up into the ambulance and after she is all locked into place I climb on up and sit next to the stretcher. She sits there not moving. She looks like she's dead. But she's not! Her pulse is good and stuff. Right?

We speed to the hospital and they run her in. I walk right behind her but when they take her into a room a women stops me.

"I'm sorry sir. You can't go in there." she says.

"What why! I need to be with her!" I say trying to get past her.

"I'm sorry but no one but specially trained doctors can go in there. You can see her when they transfer her to a different room were people are allowed in." she says.

I just stand there and let out a deep breath. I go and sit in the emergency waiting room and I see a bunch of old people in wheel chairs and a couple kids. I feel so bad for all of them but Peyton can't leave my mind. I sit down in a seat farthest away from others.

I lose it and just start to cry. Tears start to sting my face and I hold my legs to my chest. People come and go from the room and no one bothers me.

I decide to try and check my phone to take my mind off things. I have 15 messages, 5 missed calls, and 143 twitter notices along with my other social medias. I check my calls first. It's Nash, Matt, Jack J, Jess, and Carter. My messages are from mainly everyone. I see I was put in a group chat and I click on that.

Nash: Dude Matt told us what happened! You okay.

Carter: Yeah how's Peyton.

Matt: Hope your okay.


Shawn: yeah.

Katie: OMG hopes she okay.

Johnson: Dude how's everything!!

I decide to text back.

Me: Everything's fine. You guys can come now if you want. We can't see her right away, but the doctor said she will tell me when I can. Thanks though.

There is literally about 6 seconds before a replay comes.


I feel bad for Jess and Katie. Their best friend was just beaten and is in the hospital.

Then I check Twitter* and read all my notices. They all must of herd what happened to Peyton because they are all about her. All my fans and her fans are freaking out saying stuff like:

"OMG POOR PEYTON!! Get better soon sweetheart!"


"My prayers go out to you. Get better soon!!"

I sit there and try to get comfortable in the chair. No one is here anymore except for me and the front desk lady. I go up to her and ask her,

"Hey, um, is Peyton A. Brookes able to be seen yet?"

"Not yet but in about an hour she will be." she says.

"Thank you." I say and then go sit back in my chair.

I start to drift off but then I hear a lot of people come in. It's everyone.

They all come and sit next to me and ask me questions. I try to tune them out because I'm not in the mood.

About an hour later everyone is asleep except me. I couldn't go to sleep because I was to worried. Then the nurse comes up to us and says,

"Are you here for Peyton A. Brookes?"

No I'm here for Elmo.

"Yes." I say standing up.

"You can go and visit her now. The doctor also is waiting at the door to tell you further information." she says.

I nod and follow her to her room. My heart is beating a thousand miles a minute. The questions are flooding my mind again.

I reach her room and a doctor is standing there waiting for me.

"Hello. Are you Cameron, Peyton's boyfriend?" He says.

"Yes I am. Is she ok?!" I ask him.

"Yes well, sort of." he says. "When Peyton was beat she was hit in the arm so her left arm, from her wrist to her elbow is broken. Then she was also hit in head many times... she lost some memory from how hard the beaters hit her." he says.

My heart drops when he says that.

"Well what dose she remember." I say trying to stay as calm and collected as possible.

"Well she remembers her mom and how she is divorced, but she doesn't know who her moms boyfriend is." he says.

"Okay what else." I say.

"Umm... She remembers her friends and most of her family members. She also knows she is on tour with some boys and her friends. She also remember her birthday and were she is." he says.

"Will she remember me?" I say. I can feel my palms getting sweaty.

"I'm not sure." He says. "but you can go in now. She is awake but try not to startle her. She is weak and still recovering." he says.

I nod and open the door. She has a blue cast on her arm and she is sitting in a hospital bed watching t.v. She is hooked up to a machine that is taking her heart beat and blood pressure. She also has a bowl of soup and water next to her.

She looks so beaten up and weak. I wish I could just go wrap my arms around her, but the doctor said to not startle her. I walk closer and she doesn't notice me until I'm like 2ft away from the bed.

"Hi Peyton. I miss you so much! I wish this never happened to you. I hope you will get out of here soon so we can go places and go to the beach and have fun like we all did. Everyone is so worried about you and all the guys are here to see you. And all the fans are saying how much they want you to get better and I hope you do to." I say.

She stares at me for a minute. Then she speaks.

"That's great.. But... Who are you?"

Cliffhanger!!! Okay so yeah I hope you liked this chapter!! I am starting to get a couple more reads now!! Thanks so much for reading and keep going because it's going to start getting good.. So if you want start to tell some of YOUR friends to read too, I would appreciate that. Thanks again for reading.

Oh and I finished all 5 of my plays and they were all do fun!! I had so much make-up on, it was uncomfortable... But they were all so fun! We were so close to Sold Out the other night!! So yeah now I'm starting volleyball camp.. Also can you comment "HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA!!" for me. My friends birthday is soon and yeah. thanks again:)

<btw I know I didn't get 3likes on the last chapter I'm just that nice to you guys that I'm gonna update again. But okay I'm seriously now.. 3likes=next chapter.. thanks.>

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