Everyone I Know

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*Copeland's POV*

I never grew up living a normal life. Being partially famous and not being able to do stuff because my dad is Kellin Quinn is terrible. Don't get me wrong, I love my dad, but every time I attempt to talk about bands with other people, especially people my age, they go all fan girl on me about him. Omg Kellin Quinn I love him so much! Sleeping with Sirens, God I love them! My favorite member is Kellin! Sleeping with Sirens saved my life! Kellin Kellin Kellin! Quinn to the Kellin! Kellin fucking Bostwick! Those voices in my head irritate me.

God, all I ever hear from people is Sleeping with Sirens and Kellin Quinn! What about all the other bands like Of Mice and Men, Pierce the Veil, The Color Morale, and All Time Low? Don't ever hate on a band because every band saves a life. These bands deserve just as much of respect as Sleeping with Sirens does; especially the other members, not just the singer.

I'm Copeland Quinn Bostwick. I go by Danielle Quinn. My reasoning is because if someone in this world besides friends and family ever found out that I'm related to Kellin Quinn, I would be trampled on all over and everyone would be on my ass 24/7! People would take me for being partially famous and not for who I am as a person. I don't want to be taken as just some daughter of a famous man.

So, there's this friend of mine. Her name is Alli Carlile. I love her so much and she literally is my everything. A best friend can be your everything in the result of no boyfriend. She's the one who is helping me get all my papers and shit ready for the new school year. We're both seniors now! I was always home schooled by my mom and dad. But now that Mayhem Season is here, I'm stuck doing my last year of schooling in Mountain View High. Alli says that it won't be such a big deal once you get used to it. Problem is, I don't think I'm going to be able to fit in with these "normal" people. My life was never normal. I'm not sure I can do this, but I believe that I can. With Alli for support and encouragement, I can do it.

Alli was never a normal child either. I mean she was, but everyone knows who she is, according to Of Mice and Men. Alli's dad is way famous! He's so awesome and he's my friend. I've always had a crush on him. I know I'm creepin' on the older men but really, so is half the school! She told me so. She told me that she loves having the fame and everyone noticing her in the halls and what not.

Austin Carlile lost his mom at the age of 17. I'd cry if I lost my mother. She had a heart condition, but I'm not sure what kind. I think it's called Marfan Syndrome. Austin has the same problem with his heart and I'd be furious if anything ever happened to him. He's been in and out of the hospital getting surgery, and they even had to take out his heart and put it in ice! So he was pretty much dead for about five minutes but they put it back in. Thank God.

And then there's my uncle Vic. He's not really my uncle, but according to me when I was a child, I called him uncle, so he's my uncle. He's such a sweet heart. He tells me to do what ever I want as long as it doesn't mean breaking my parents' rules. He even let me go backstage at Warped Tour once when my dad was busy touring somewhere else. I was really young though. I guesstimate that I was about seven. He's literally the best uncle, unlike my uncle Mike.

I know that none of the band members are my real uncles, but I just call them all my uncles. My mom told me that when they first held me as a baby, they called me their 'niece', so they're pretty much my unbiological uncles. But uncle Mike, holy hell he's terrible! I mean I love him and all, but damn. I can't come to him for anything; only if I wanna smoke weed, drink whiskey, or play the drums...and learn to garden a little. He's a bad influence, but I still hang around with him. He has his own hip hop solo called MikeyWhiskeyHands. His lyrics are way different from his brother Vic. I mean Vic sings I kissed the scars on her skin; I still think you're beautiful, and I don't ever wanna lose my best friend. But Mike sings When I walk in the room, I got bitches on their knees; suckin' dick, showin' tits for a hit of my weed. Like what in the actual fuck, Mike?

By the way, there's a reason why I'm not talking about Sleeping with Sirens. I can literally go on and on about how they never have a regular day.

So Justin appears to think he's a badass because he has a tattoo of a shark on his hand. I don't know why I just said that because clearly, he is a badass. Who am I to talk? My dad and Jack think they're the funny ones in the band. My dad likes to make many random faces. And Jack is just...Jesse is always fighting with Gabe. Let me rephrase that,everyone is always fighting with Gabe.

I mean don't even get me started about Pierce the Veil. I told you about Vic and Mike, but Tony and Jaime? Oh God. I freaking love them to death. Jaime, pronounced Hi-Me, is the most funniest person alive. He's the reason why I smile and laugh all day. There isn't much to say besides him giving me advice that I already know. Don't do drugs. Stay out of gangs. Wear a condom. I know he's kidding and trying to be funny and he is. But Tony...

I don't refer to Tony as "uncle" because he's like a best friend that I can't live without. I've always had a crush on him as well. This wonderful human being of a man that doesn't say much, but he's the reason why I keep going everyday. I literally get out of bed knowing he's going to be there for me. My dad is always there for me, but I always turn to Tony if anything happens. He's so understanding of my feelings and he even hugged me tightly at the hospital when my dad was going through surgery. Jesse kinda smashed his eye with his guitar when they were on the Collide with the Sky Tour. Tony's personality is alluring. I mean his looks changed since I was younger. There's a huge progression in his features. I don't mind him now, but I comprehend that "fetus" Tony is way cuter than "adult" Tony. But I'm attached to the older Tony. I love Tony so much that I don't think he even knows how much I adore him. It kind of scares me. I have a feeling he knows, but I don't think he takes it in that kind of way.

Daughter of Kellin QuinnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora