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*Copeland's POV* -ten years later-

I slowly walked out of the car and headed my way towards the old tombstone. I dropped to my knees and stared at the epitaph engravings. A tear escaped my eye and I let it fall.

"Happy birthday, Tony," I chocked, tilting my head forward. "It's been too long. I miss you." I swirled my fingers around his name. "I know I haven't visited you since your funeral. I just couldn't handle your death. I was still so young. I've been so damn busy with things. I got married three years ago. It's been great." I sniffled and continued. "Don't worry. He's nothing like Bryan. And speaking of him, he's in jail for life. He was the one who hurt you. I thought he was a good guy, but I was wrong. Turns out, he did lots of drugs and he was fucked up in the head. I was there for his trial and so was Mike, Vic, and Jaime. He's history."

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "You okay, boo?"

I turned my head. "Yeah, I'm fine." I forcefully rotated my head back to Tony's grave. "Tony, this is my husband, Sage. I'm very happy with him." I turned around and motioned my finger towards the little girl hiding behind Sage's leg. "Come here, baby." She slowly twisted her little body from behind daddy's leg and sat in my lap. "This is my daughter, Lilia. I tell her about you all the time and she smiles. She wants to be a singer just like her grandpa, Kellin." Another tear left my eye. I felt a little nudge push my arm.

"Mommy, don't cwy. You be okay," Lilia's high voice sprouted. "Hi, mister. I'm Lilia. Two years old. Mommy miss you."

"I'll wait in the car," I heard a deeper voice say. Sage kissed my cheek and walked off to the car.

I kissed Lilia on the cheek and told her I'm alright. I just miss him so much. If it wasn't for that jackass, he would still be alive and well. He could be producing music or playing some notes for Lilia. She would love that.

"The band hasn't been the same without you. Mike and Vic live together still, but Jaime doesn't stay with them anymore; which pretty much means Pierce the Veil is done. Vic still sings and plays his acoustic guitar all the time. Sometimes he does his own shows at small venues and he mentions you at every single show. It's amazing. Jaime got married to Jessica. Remember her? That's why he doesn't live with the Fuentes' anymore. He doesn't play bass anymore either. He has given it up to start a family."

"Mommy, I wanna see uncle Hime! Pwease pwease, pwetty pwease?!" She tugged at my arm until I answered her. I assured her we would, but only for a little. I pushed her little butt over my lap.

"You wanna go sit with daddy? Mama wants to sit alone for now." She got up from the grass and skipped to the car.

"Mike isn't with Frenchi anymore. She cheated on him. He was planning on purposing to her a year ago, but people change. She was really needy. He caught her sleeping with some random guy at a bar. Talk about downgrade, I'm just saying he was an ugly fucker. So he decided to leave her and find someone else. To my surprise, he did find another pretty lady, and her name was Alysha. He still loves playing the drums, but he's leaning towards his rap career. Point is, I really freaking miss you. I wish you were here. I love you so much and happy birthday again. You'd be 55 today and it sucks that you couldn't live to see it." I stood up and leant my arms against the hard stone. "And my dad is doing great as well. Anthem Made is still going strong and I'm surprised it still is. Old fans and new fans really stay dedicated and that's amazing." I placed the flowers I had for him in the dirt section next to his grave. I turned around to make sure Sage and Lilia were okay waiting. I kissed the stone and walked away. I reached the car and hopped in. Sage dug the keys into the ignition and we drove off.

"Mommy, mommy!" a little voice screeched. "Uncle Hime's house now?" she asked. She picked the uncle thing from me, even though they aren't her uncles.

I faced her and replied, "Yeah, baby. Uncle Jaime's."

"Yay!" she cheered and clapped.

As we drove to Jaime's place, I thought about all the good times I had with Tony. I thought to myself...Good-bye Caesar Antonio Soto Perry. I'll see you in another life. Hopefully, a better one.



thank you guys so much for reading my story:)

if you like Kellic or Fuenciado, or both, you should check out my other fics i'm doing;) If you want a story that's finished, check out Bite Me! (fuenciado) Or if you just down right like one shots, check out my story that is gonna have lots of one shots in it!

Once again, thanks sooo much for reading this:DDD

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