two // if we meet again

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"daddy, daddy! get up!" emily said, jumping on dallon's bed.

dallon groaned and rolled over. he opened his eyes only to meet emily's blue ones. "morning em." he said with a chuckle. she smiled. "morning daddy."

dallon yawned and started to close his eyes again. "dad it's my first day of school! we have to go!" emily said. dallon acted like he didn't hear her and squeezed his eyes shut a little tighter.

she giggled and tried to open them. "come on dad, it's my first day of school! this is what every kid dreams of! let's go!"

dallon smiled and opened his eyes. "let's get your hair brushed and then we can make your lunch, how about that?" he asked, getting off of the bed.

she nodded and followed him. "can we braid it again?" she asked.

dallon thought back to the last time he tried to braid her hair and how many knots were left in it afterwards. "we can try." was his response as he picked up the brush and prayed that he wouldn't mess up.


dallon finished the braid (with help from breezy over the phone) and smiled at his work. "do you like it?"

emily tried to look in the mirror, but it was too tall for her. dallon laugher and picked her up.

"i love it!" she said enthusiastically. dallon looked in the mirror for a little longer, noticing how much she looked like her mother now. the only thing that really showed she was his daughter were her blue eyes. "dad we gotta make my lunch, hurry up!" dallon put her down and shook his head, following after her into the kitchen.

"peanut butter and jelly?" he asked, earning a nod from emily. he handed her the sandwich and she put it in her lunchbox with a grin.

"now are you sure you don't want to go to work with me?" he asked, a sad smile making its way onto his face. emily nodded. "i want to make new friends other than presley. he's bossy."

dallon chuckled as they went out to the car. presley was tyler's son and he was a few weeks older than emily which (apparently) gave him the right to boss her around. the two had gotten into fights before, which emily won, and didn't really get along.

"presley's just different." dallon said, trying to be nice. emily furrowed her brows and tilted her head. dallon saw this from the front seat and held in a laugh.

"hey dad?"

"yes pumpkin?"

"if lying's wrong, then why did you just lie to me?" she asked. dallon shook his head and shrugged. "i didn't lie, presley just has issues getting along with everyone."

"but uncle tyler's nice." she replied.

"uncle tyler is nice, yes, but that doesn't me-"

"i don't get it, if uncle tyler's nice then why isn't presley?" she asked, interrupting dallon mid-speech like she did anytime she had a question.

dallon sighed and turned up the radio. "you like this song, don't you?" he asked and emily nodded as she started dancing in her carseat. dallon said a silent 'thank you' to whatever power there was that had made her so easily distracted.


emily held dallon's hand as they walked into the school. not because she needed to, though. dallon was already emotional and she didn't want him to cry.

they walked into the classroom and dallon smiled as he saw tyler. he motioned for emily to walk over and she shook her head. "daddy i know you said to be nice to everyone, but i don't like presley."

dallon rolled his eyes at how stubborn she could be. tyler said he didn't understand why it aggravated dallon when he was the exact same way. "we have to be nice to everyone, em. i don't like uncle tyler, but i'm nice to him." emily nodded as she made her way over to presley.

dallon started to follow behind her, but a familiar voice made him stop in his tracks.

"you must be emily, right? it's a pleasure to meet you. i'm brendon and i'll be your teacher for this year."

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