A Horde of Zombies

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Danielle weaves and ducks through the trees, breathing heavy. Her brother does the same thing not even three feet ahead of her. As the family runs, the zombies get closer. Suddenly, Knox trips over a branch and falls to the ground. Danielle stops to help him, only to be stopped by her father's voice, 

"Leave him." Maverick kept running. As Danielle helps Knox up, a zombie grabs him by the leg, pulling him back. Danielle quickly reaches back and pulls her gun from the band of her jeans.

"Knox, I need you to stay still."

"Ok." He breathes. Danielle points the gun at the zombie. She lets out a breath and shoots. The zombie falls limp, releasing Knox. Danielle helps her brother up, and together they run out of the forest. Eventually, they catch up with Maverick, who has slowed to a walking pace.

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