Chapter 2

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The night before exo moved in

All : WoW.

All : whoa.

All : Oh.

Baekhyun : This is so cool. I...

Chanyeol : My room

They walk to another room.

Baekhyun : This is better. I...

Chanyeol : D.O.'s room.

D.O. : Awsome room.

Baekhyun walks out of the room.


Baekhyun : WoW. This place is so cool.

Sehun : Chanyeol hyung, are you sure This was your grandpa's house? It looks too Nice and new.

Chanyeol : My parents fixed it up 'cause it was too run-down. I Guess they went a bit overboard. I used to play here when I was young.

D.O. : it's a quiet neighborhood. A perfect place to stay for a while.

Sehun : we have a problem.

Baekhyun : What?

Sehun : no bed. What do we do?

D.O. : we'll get our beds tomorrow. Just hang in there, Sehun.

Sehun : sorry I can't stand it.

Baekhyun : just make it do. Little one.

While they are all sleeping...

Chanyeol walks over to a brown chair. He lays his hand on it.

Chanyeol : Grandpa... I'm here.

The next morning

Chanyeol and D.O. Are putting boxes inside.

Chanyeol : are they all dead?

D.O. : Yo, Sleepyhead!

Chanyeol : Hey, wake up. Wake up

Chanyeol picks up a cushion and begin's to slap Baekhyun with it.

Sehun and Baekhyun wake up. Then they all smell something.

Baekhyun : Guys, I think I smell something.

Sehun : it smells nice.

D.O. : Maybe the managers brought us something.

They all stand up and walk to the kitchen.

Sehun : I'm hungry. So hungry.

Just before they walk in the kitchen, D.O. Stops them and pulls them behind the wall.

Baekhyun : hey. Someone's eating rice cake.

Sehun : What? Who?

Chanyeol : What rice cake?

They all peek behind the wall. The girl begins to cough.

Baekhyun : huh? Look at that. Hey!?

Sehun : that's our fridge.

Chanyeol : move it.

They begin to walk closer to the girl.

Chanyeol : who are you?

The girl then spits the water in Chanyeol's face.

Baekhyun : are you alright?

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