Chapter 4 ~ Invitation

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Chapter 4 is here !!!!! I know it has been like a week since I uploaded the least chapter. That is because school has been draining all the energy out of my body !!!

Anyway back to the story... I have really cute ideas for this story and I'm really excited..hehe :D Oh and Let me know what you think :) You can comment or message me.. It would mean a lot!! :D <3 xoxo


I went to back into the hall to see a sleepy Ash staring back at me.

"Good you are awake," I remarked.

"Where are the others?," she asked me.

Her messy blonde hair looked perfect even after hours of sleep.No matter how much hairspray I used my hair never stayed in place. I sighed as I took my place on the couch.

"They all left," I said remembering how fun last night had been.

"What a bummer!,"she said with a disappointed tone.


Hours later.....

I was in my room with my laptop, jamming to We R Who We R by Ke$ha. I loved that song and it made me wanna dance all the way. I was pretending to hold a mic and was singing when suddenly my phone buzzed. I stopped singing and grabbed my phone and slid my finger across the screen to unlock it.

A new message from Derek

"Meet me at the Rock Cafe at 5 in the evening" 

I looked at the time. I still had thirty minutes left. I didnt know why he had called me but anyway I would be knowing in a while. My summer vacation just started three days ago and I was already enjoying it to the fullest. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. A pale figure stared back at me. I was wearing a black skirt and top and cork wedges with my hair tied into a pony tail. That would be enough to hang out at the cafe . What if the Jonas boys were there? I blushed a little as the thought entered my mind. The cafe was just three blocks away from my house and so I decided to walk. I closed the front door behind me and put my earphones on and started off. I decided to listen to Jonas songs. Ash forced me to download "Lovebug" and a few others . The song started to play and to my ears it was such a beautiful melody. I smiled like an idiot listening to the song and kept walking with people giving me looks like I was just crazy. 

Finally I reached my destination and removed my earphones and looked around the place. Some kind of hip hop music was playing in the background and the place was not as crowded as I expected it to be. Suddeny I spotted four hands waving up at me. Derek ,Joe ,Nick ,Kevin... I grinned at them and moved forward occupying the empty chair next to Joe with Derek seated opposite to me and with Nick and Kevin on either sides.

"So whats up??" I started the conversation

"Do you want something to eat ??" Joe asked me before Derek could start speaking.

"No I dont feel like eating now and how are you three boys hanging out like this.. I mean won't you be attacked by screaming fans?? "I asked curious.

"Actually we are just trying to be normal because we can't always hide  and we are on a break remember ?. And our fans would be so happy to see us," Nick answered me.

"Yup our fans would be so happy," Kevin echoed as I nodded my head.

"So," atlast Derek spoke up. "Did you hear about the carnival?,"

"Umm yeah I read about it in the papers. Why is anyone going?," I asked.

"We have all planned to go,"Joe replied with his mouth full. He was holding a cheese burger in his hand. Could anyone look so adorable while eating ? Yes Joe could.

"Thats great," I fake applauded with my hands.

"And you are coming with us too," Kevin looked at me.

I looked at Derek. He knew I always felt out place in crowded places.

"Ash is coming too. Please say yes Amy," Derek gave me the puppy eyes 


"Okay for you guys," I agreed and they all smiled wildly except Joe who was keenly looking at his burger.

"Is anything wrong?," I asked him.

"Isnt she beautiful?," he asked me pointing to the burger.

"Uhh I bet she is delicious," I answered while the other boys giggled and I just sat there puzzled.

Joe was one of a kind. He was cute and funny and there was something about him that fascinated me.

"So everyone will assemble at my house tomorrow at 4pm and from there we'll start to the carnival," Derek was talking. We all nodded our heads.

"I gotta leave guys. Damon would be home by now. See you tomorrow," I said as I got up to leave. All of the boys stood up and gave me a warm hug. I was a bit surprised with Joe , Nick and Kevin hugging me. But I was their best friend's best friend. So obviously we all are friends. That thought somehow made me happy. 

************************************************************************************************************I was alerted by loud noises. I peeped into the kitchen to find Damon  closing the refrigerator door a bit hardly.

"Why isn't there anything to eat in this house?," he looked at me.

"Umm....didn't I tell you I had a few friends over last night?," I dragged on.

"But you never told me they eat like pigs!", he was furious out of hunger.

"No they dont !," I protested. "Infact they could afford all kinds of food in this world", I said , crossing my arms across my chest.

Damon gave me a puzzled look.

"They are no one else but the JONAS BROTHERS", I waved my hands in the air like I was doing some kind of a magic spell. "They are Derek's childhood friends actually."

"Oh you are now friends with celebrities? Cool... But make sure you don't get yourself into any kind of 'media' trouble," he said, concerned.

"I won't. Infact they act like absolute normal boys," I smiled.

"Good," he replied.

"I'm going to bed", I yawned , as my lovely brother slightly kissed my forehead.

I dragged myself up the stairs to my room and pulled the covers over myself and fell asleep. 

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