XII :: Switch

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Chapter Twelve :: Switch



Dusky, ominous clouds, like a deadly swarm of locusts, headed at an unnatural speed towards the village of Chartres. The grey tornado shaped rain mists fell down onto the ground, in heavy, unforgiving blasts. The heat that had clung to the morning air was gone and a cold heavy chill ran over the country side. Belle's stomach grumbled as she stared at the thunder clouds swarming above her. Pulling the cloak closer around her like an extra layer of skin, she sighs into her arm with relief as she notices the Lyon's mansion coming in to view. She did not relish the idea of wandering through the rain in her thin light dress. But as she drew closer to the empty, silent house, her sense of relief began to morph into a feeling of dread.

Her feet scraped against the small step that connected the outside with the wooden hall. Closing the door with as little noise as possible Belle made her way into the living quarters of Nicholas and his sister. She felt calmer than ever as she passed through the silent room that had enchanted her with its delight and antiquity. No lights glowed from the study and Belle did not imagine that a figure had been lurking in the doorway, watching her every move. As he stepped forwards and the dimming light from outside shone over his face, Belle took in a sudden intake of breath that made her cough into her shaking cold hands.

"Oh Nicholas," she said her nervous laugh tingling her throat, "you scared me."

He said nothing as he strode closer to her, a ghost like movement to his walk.

"You wanted time," he spoke with a directness that Belle had never expected from him. For a moment she had a double thought on the words she was about to say but realising she could not change her mind, she bowed her head and pulled her cloak as if to shield herself from the pain she was about to cause.

"I can't marry you Nicholas." The words stuck to her mouth like honey as she spoke but with a direct force that surprised even her. "I'm so sorry." She couldn't look at him, not after all he had done, all he had given her and everything she had taken form him. But as she glanced up at the man who had cared for her, a different face met her gaze.

Belle backed away, suddenly frightened by the expression Nicholas held. His soft gently eyes had been overcome by a dark soul that clouded around him in a threatening haze. His clenched stubble jaw that had made Belle think of a small fox terrier now reminded her of a snake; that's small mouth opened up to a chasm of razor-sharp teeth.

The storm rumbled around the house and a light pitter-patter of rain hit the roof with a jerk like tune adding to the already tense scene. The cloud of locusts was about to descend, and every insect seemed to have its sights set on the large dapper mansion that stood isolated from the village. Each drop seemingly wetter than before.

"Don't you dare walk away from me!" Nicholas's lips moved but his body stayed motionless. "I gave you everything and this is how you repay me you self-centred bitch." His words spat out of his mouth in an alcoholic rage that burst from his chest.

Belle stood in shock at the man she thought she had known. The caring hearted nobleman that had taken her in, had changed. Changed from all recognition, his hair stood up in greased locks and the stubble that had given him a handsome appearance was now but a mad man. He held out his hands and stormed towards her, grabbing her waist, an action she had not expected from him.

"If you won't marry me." He spat down onto Belle's face as she was stunned into silence. "I'll force your hand, so you have no choice."

Nicholas ran his hands over the thin fabric of Belle's skirt and then took a hold of her arms, dragging her up the stairs. Belle, suddenly aware his intentions, kicked him hard in the leg, trying to get free, but her attempts were useless, and her kicks seem to bounce off him like he was made of rock. She clawed at his arms and tried to twist out of his grasp, but his strength was not something she had anticipated. Changing her tactics, and rapidly running out of time, Belle dropped down onto the hard-wooden landing, feeling a sudden pain jolt up her bruised side.

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