6~Hope For A Future Pt. 1

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A/N: Next Chapter is explicit so you have to follow me in order to be able to read.

This was going to be the most awkward dinner party in the history of dinner parties. Isis smoothed down the sides of her black cocktail dress. She was so nervous her palms were sweaty as she clutched the painting of snow covered mountains. A gift for Trent's mom. Speaking of the devil, he was right beside her, dressed in a white flannel shirt and black slacks, sleeves rolled up over thick forearms, pressing a hand to the small of her back as he escorted her to the front door of Jericho's and Mona's home. They invited them both. The thing that made this so awkward: his ex-wife is here tonight.

Trent rings the doorbell and the most adorable little girl answers wearing a little black dress with a bow in her beautiful long curly hair. She places tiny hands on her hips. Lovely grey eyes roaming over Isis. "You're the regular bitch, aren't you?" Isis couldn't help it. She snorted and burst into laughter not in the least bit offended. People have said worst things about her. Trent on the other hand...

"How do you even know what a regular bitch is, Jordan?" He deadpanned crossing arms over his chest, glaring down at the seven-year-old.

The little girl raised her chin glaring back at her uncle. Her sass level was turnt. "How do YOU even know what a regular bitch is? Aunt G said white people don't speak the language." Isis guffawed. This girl was too much.

"Well, this white boy"- he points to himself- "speaks the language. Your daddy may not spank you, but I will." He takes a menacing step towards her, reaching for his belt. He laughs as her eyes widen in horror.

She screams, "Daddy!"

"I'll whoop his ass too." He turns to Isis. "I'm sorry about that my family is cool for the most part."

"Yeah... calling me the 'regular bitch'." Trent winced. "Your niece had to hear it from somewhere." She waved a dismissive hand. "Not to worry I'm not a sensitive person." Not to mention she could whoop every woman's ass here- not that she would or even want to. This was Trent's family and would show as much respect as they would show her.

"Ay!" Everyone began to hoot and holler as they saw the couple enter hand in hand. Elizabeth was the first to rush towards them. The older woman was stunning, and Isis understood where Trent and his twin got the good looks from.

"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my god," Elizabeth kept repeating, excited. The woman had tears in her eyes. She wrapped Isis into a big hug. "Thank you so much." Isis didn't understand the woman's gratitude.

"Let me through." A very short but also stunning woman said pushing forward. "hi, I'm Mckayla." She also took Isis into a warm inviting hug.

"And I'm Mona," Another stunning woman introduced. Isis head spins. Why was everyone in the room so damn attractive? They were such nice people, giving Isis hugs and kisses. Seeing all the happily married couples in the room made her envious, she wanted that for her and Trent. Maybe they could get married and she could continue school. Have a couple of years in a career before popping out his babies. Her heart swelled with hope for their future.

"Ooh, I'm Gianna," she drawled in a honey sweet southern accent and beamed, kissing Isis on the cheek. "I heard you do art." Isis nodded with a smile. "I'd like you to do a family portrait."

Isis beamed. "Absolutely."

Gianna looked unsure, fidgeting with her necklace. "Are you sure? It wouldn't be too much, would it? I heard you got school and a job and-

"No, not at all." Isis just had to cut her blabbering off. She wasn't that busy and would love to paint the family. A family she would someday be a part of.

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