Commander Koko Ci is back!

413 19 7

Akise's Point of View
I tried to get my way out. But I'm really lost.

I went left, then right, then right again, then left.

Might as well shout.

"Is anyone there?!?!"

"Help me!! I'm lost!!!!"

Then a little alien came.

"Huh? Why do you look like someone I know?"

"Aww, a little tiny alien!"

Then the alien has like a stick.

"Don't accuse me like that, boy!"


"What are you doing here?! This is a private street!"

"I ended up here, I tried to escape a psycho person."


"Not that psycho."

"Ish, now follow me, I know the way."
(A/N: You do not know de wae.)

After walking for minutes.

"Who's that robot?"

"His name is Motobot. He's with me."

"I make vehicles!"

"Nice! By the way, why are you here ? Shouldn't you guys be in space?"

"I'm picking up the members of Tapops."


  P- Protecting

"Ooh, who are the members?"

"Ying, Yaya, Gopal, Fang. But the other one died."

"Oh.. Boboiboy."

"He was one of my best members.."

I questioned my life. Did I got into an Alien Group or society? Man, my life must be really weird.

We kept on walking.

"Akise?! Where are you?!" A male voice said.

"Akise?" A female voice said.

"He's not here!"

Then the alien went to the shouting voices.

"Uh, commander!"

"It's time to pick you up."

"Have you seen a boy with a Dark blue jacket and a sky blue shirt with a neck tie?"

"He was with me."

"That dude is no stranger commander!"

"How can you say?"

Fang's Point of View

"He's B-!" Someone covered my mouth I looked behind, It was Akise.

"Akise?!" The others shouted.

"Shh!" Akise sushed me.


"Uhh.. " The commander looked confused.

I took out his hand.

"What the heck?!"

"Fang, do you know him?"

"Oh, I know him well." I said with a frown.

To be continued.

Back Again (Sequel From "Maniac : BoBoiBoy Fanfiction") ((H I A T U S)) Where stories live. Discover now