Chapter 5: Romeo and Juliet

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It was the start of classes, and their last year in high school. Raku and the others were thinking of the possible schools that they would like to go. Chitoge on the other hand already knew where she was going, she was going to Stanford University.  Although it was her dream school, she was heart broken because she knew she and Raku would be seperated. She was thinking of a way to tell Raku, but she didn't how. The teacher came in and announced to the class that the school festival would be next week. Chitoge thought this would be the best opportunity to tell him.

The following week

Chitoge's POV

All right, today is the day I'll tell him that I'm going back to America and study there after high school.  I know that he would understand,  but will he still love me even if we're apart!? Should I just stay here? Japan is a great country, but how about my dream? Aaaaaahhhhh!

I got out of bed and fixed myself before I went to school. When I went out of the gate and I saw Raku.

"Good morning lover." He said with a mocking tone.

"Good morning to you too bean sprout. "

"Are you excited about the school festival? I heard class 4-B would be hosting a race or something."

"Really!? I wanna join! Is it by pair or by group?" I asked all excited.

"I think it's by pair"

"You better not slow me down!" I said with a smile. I held his hand and we went to school. I thought that after the race I would tell him about my dilemma.

At class 4-B

"All right guys, does everyone have a partner? We would be explaining the mechanics of the race." One of the organizer said.

"Yes." The participants replied.

"Alright guys, here are the mechanics: There are 4 different stations that you must go to, and each station has a corresponding task. The first pair to finish would win a free dinner date with his/her partner at the rooftop, and would dress up as Romeo and Juliet. Does everyone understand? "


"Alright let's start!"

After 1 hour

We were ahead of the other pairs since the first 3 stations were easy for me at least. Then we arrived at our last station

"Alright Raku this is our last station, are you ready?" I asked with a huge grin on my face cause he was panting from all the running that we did.

"" He replied. But I could see that he was tired.

"Well we are ahead,  why don't you rest for a bit? I'll buy you a drink." I said with a smile.

"Thanks." He said while blushing.

I went to the vending machine and bought him a cola, I went back and I saw him staring into space, I placed the cola on his cheek.

"Thank you." He said with a smile.

"It's nothing, I just pitied you that's all." I replied

"You're always cold towards me, it makes me feel like I'm not important to you." He said to me. I was scared cause I haven't even told him about America and yet I might be losing him already with the way I was acting.

"I-" I was gonna say something when he interrupted me.

"I was just kidding. You may not be the sweetest girl,  but you're the one I love. I could see from your face that you thought I was disappointed or something at you, don't worry your good points overcomes the bad ones." He said to me while looking me in the eyes. I could see that he was not lying, I couldn't help but blush.

"Let's go." He said.

"Sure." And we went to complete our final station

"Welcome, you are the first to arrive.  For the last challenge you must go into this door and come out the other door within 30 minutes. "

"That's all? Well lets go Raku!" I said proudly cause I knew that we would win

"Alright!" He replied.

We entered the room and it was very dark. and there were a lot of creepy sounds. I couldn't help but be scared, I held Raku's hand even tighter.

(Thunder sound)

"Eeeek" I screamed.

"Are you alright Chitoge?  If you want I'll carry you."

"R-really?" I asked

"Yeah, hang on tight"

He carried me until he found the door. Before he opened it I wispered something in his ear.

"I might go back to America and study there after high school." I said with a crying tone in my voice. I couldn't help but grab his uniform even tighter,  and I started to cry.

"I know, your father told me. I don't know how we're going to deal with it,  but I know we'll find a way. Let's just live in the moment for now."

I was shocked to find out to hear that he already knew, but I was also relieved that he told me that we would find a way. He opened the door and we won the race.

6.00 pm

I was dressed as Juliet, it kinda reminded me of our school play last year. But that was before our feelings have become true. I went up to the rooftop and saw my Romeo waiting for me.

"Sorry I'm late, I kinda had trouble wearing this dress."

"It's okay, you look even more beautiful." He said to me. I kinda felt embarrassed,

"W-well you don't look bad yourself." I said while blushing


"I mean you look more handsome now than ever before." I said, I felt embarrassed just saying those words

"Thank you Chitoge. " He said to me. Then he held my face and me kissed. After that I heard his stomach growl, which made us both laugh

"Alright then let's eat." I said and grabbed his hand and dragged towards the table.

We talked all night, about what would happen after high school, our goals, etc. But one thing was for certain,  everything we said about the future had both of us still in a relationship.

After we finished our dinner, we watched the sky full of stars. We tried to find some constellations, but failed. I looked at him and grabbed his face, we kissed again and again. I didn't want it to end, cause I never wanted to have a day where I couldn't see him and hold him. But I knew that was just wishful thinking.


Last chapter will be next week. I hope you guys like this chapter, and the whole story. Hit the vote button if you liked it.

The Promised One (ChitogexRaku fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon