UK (the beginning)

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나 돌 각은 그것 이라고 믿는다. 나는 마침내 그것을 만들었습니다. 나는 영국에 (서) 있다. Ohhhh wait i just remembered!. I promised my self i am going to think and say every think in English. Mmm okay let me restart. Ummm what is it again in English.That's it!. I cant believe it. I have finally made it I am now in the UK. Ha that's right i think?

I have just arrived in London on the plane; It was amazing riding in first class it couldn't feel any less uncomfortable if i tried. Every where i turned the chair turned with me and cuddled me like a mother would its child. The stewardess was as sweet as sugar and was gorgeous, her long shimmery golden blond hair hung tightly in pony tail, which still reached half way down her back. Her face was a perfect subculture of the gods them self. I cant even describe her body without being insulting. The service was amazing because of her!.

I  have soon entered the main corridor of the air port it self. Waves after waves of people kept pushing past me like i was just a worthless piece of meat. I clung tightly to my luggage and made a quick run for the gloomy wall. Huh!. That was close i nearly got swallowed up by the furious crowed. I began quickly walking along the gloomy wall before they could take another bite.

(a little while later)I hate hate hate this part of the air port(customs).you know When you get your luggage checked and walk through metal detector and get our passport checked Arh! its just horrible!. I hate it. I have finally reached that place. i am now waiting in the line to get my luggage checked and i just got my pass port checked, which was not too bad but the rest is a living nightmare.

IT'S BEEN AN HOUR NOW! Twisting through the spiral maze as the lifeless bodies got inspected by the devilish people one by one. I am now second in line. My heart is pounding in my chest it feels as if it's tighter than an nun's vagina. My hands clung tightly to the luggage tightly as i saw the last man go in and pass out the other side,but he was fine.

It was now my turn. My legs are trembling but i still took one step after another slowly walking towards where i trade my luggage for my life and all the staff looked like someone had just slapped them. I then continued to lift my luggage that felt like it had brinks in it. Why did i have to bring loads of clothes. I had two suit cases full of clothes and that is not all of it. The rest are being transferred from my old home.

I miss my old home. It was the most amazing place in South Korea. Well to me anyway; I am not sure if its because i was living by my self or not but it was a dream.

I lived in small dinky flat out side Shinhwa High. Shinhwa High was big and beautiful. Every one was so nice there always smiling and being polite. The most amazing time of the year was the blossom season. Its breath taking. the pink shaded petals slowly gliding through the warm air onto the cold ground like a feather. Ahhh. I cant say anything that would give it the credit it deserves, but i was only there for two years.

I miss my friends. We had so much fun at school and outside of school. I didn't have too many friends but the ones that i did have was amazing. Altogether i had seven no i mean five friends. I had 4 male friends and 1 female friend.

THEY ARE AMAZING PEOPLE! We just used to just mess around at lunches then go to my flat after school to play video games. My parents give me most things that i could ever want, like video games and clothes. The main reason i think  why is because they feelt sorry for me. They had to move around a lot because of there jobs so they never really lived with me since the age of 10. That is the main reason why we moved to England because they got offered a job where they could work from home so they could more spend time with me.

The other reason reason why is because one of my old friends. I mean ex girl friend, which i was dating for one year. Cheated on me with my best friend. I couldn't stand to see them anymore so i told my mum and dad to take the job in the UK. I know it sounds selfish of me but i couldn't bare it any more. I hope i can meet plenty of hot girls in the UK though.

"Hello hello" I looked up and saw this perfection of a woman standing in front of me, who was apart of the airport staff  which surprised me as before i looked she was not there . She had short brown hair, Deep blue eyes that could command an entire army. She had perfectly smooth skin and a little bit of stubble on her chin. WAIT! Is this a guy. I slowly started to looked down towards it crotch to confirm it was a guy. OH CRAP! its a guy i saw big bulge. I don't understand why my cheeks are going red its just a guy. I am not gay. Wait am i. No. Its properly because he looks soooo feminine like. Yeah that must be it.

"its your turn to go through. Your luggage is on the other side and what was you looking at if you don't mind me asking" he said in an kind tone and looking at me while cheekily smiling. I stared to move my head slowly. Very slowly as if the slower i moved my head the less he could see me. I carried on moving my head until my eyes was facing his eyes. I Took in a gigantic breath and said as calmly as possible

"OK thank you and i was just looking at the floor, wondering how it could be so clean" He giggled. I then continued to walk quickly through the scanner.

Beep beep. Oh no. What could it be. I now know what it feels like to be like a rock. Not being able to move an inch except my head. I periodically looked over to the screen to see where about it was. NOOOOOO! ITS MY CROTCH. I knew i shouldn't of put on my 5000 pound jeans i brought from England last year. The same man from earlier looked at me smiling and said

"its okay its properly just your zip" as he got the little scanner and proceeded to scan my crotch . He is getting closer and closer by the second scanning over and over again. I am not sure if i can resist the urge to get a boner. I feel my heart pounding at the speed of light and my cheeks blushing more red than a recently bloomed rose. Ohhhh no i can feel it rising and hes right in front of it NOOOOOOOO.

"Its all finished now its just your zip" he said with voice softer than a pillow. I quickly nodded my head, grabbed my luggage and walked off.

I am free. I am just hoping he just didn't realise that i started to have a boner.Oh i am not free, i just remembered that my parents are hear to pick me up. ahhh I cant believe i forgot that my parents are already here. They left about a month ago to sort out the new home and now they are hear to pick me up. I am just hoping they remembered to speak English. I started to walk really slowly towards the door, that was right in front of me but it felt like it was a thousand miles away, the the colours of the wall drilled in my head like a pin going into an pillow. The automatic doors opened. They're here!

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