Ivy the Husky

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Age: Immortal, physically 5

Species: Pasta Hybird, Siberian Husky (when transformed)

Gender: Female

Height: 70cm (2 ft, 3 in)

Weight: 12 kg (26.4 lb)

Fur: Black and white, with slight hints of yellow

Skin: Pale

Eyes: Ruby Red

Attire: Wears a white dress with a black scarf, black shoes, white gloves and a Gold Key, Flowing black hair with a diamond on each side of her head

Alignment: Good

Favorite Food: Nutella

Likes: People, the pasta hybrid kids, her mom, Vincee, reading, quiet places, music

Dislikes: Evil, going insane, dumb people, her dad, 

Skills: Healing, Foresight, Predicting the future, Outstanding knowledge of everything

Moves and Techniques: Simple God like powers, Mind Control, Mind Wipe, Ressurection, Wolf Bite, Lethal Scratch, Summons, Nymph Transformation, Telepathy, Dark Form, Chaos Insanity

Ability Type: The Seer 

Also Known As: Ivy June, Ivy the Silent Nymph (by Saphie), Wolfy (by Sonic and Shadow), The Yin and the Yang (by Teardrop), Miss Ivy (by Cream and Charmy), Etihw's Apprentice

Relations: Saphie (mother), her pasta genetic father (It's a secret)

Enemies: Her family's enemies

Friends: Sonic the Hedgehog (friend), Shadow the Hedgehog (friend) Silver the Hedgehog (friend), Vincee the Voodoo Doll (friend, partner), Lazura the Impling (friend), Pasta Hybrid kids (friends), Others

Rivals: Eclipse the Darkling (rival)

About Her: Ivy is a lab creation, just like Shadow. Although she was created by Saphie like with the rest of the pasta hybrids, she was born the smartest. Living with her family, she acts like the brain of the family. Born also from a demigod, she inherited her mother's powers and . She may be young but she is independant and always ready to defend her family, even if there are means of sacrifing herself to spare their lives.

Personality: She rarely shows emotion, doesn't cry, get angry nor laugh. Her smiles are rare. She tends to hang out mostly at the library when she's not hanging out with anyone. She's quiet, serious and extremely smart. But even with the cold nature around her, she's very nice and supportive

Weakness: Just like her mom, she's bound to get insane when provoked too far. 

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